Friday, September 27, 2024
HomePoliticsFiona Bruce Forced to Fact Check Her Own Fact Check

Fiona Bruce Forced to Fact Check Her Own Fact Check

Fiona Bruce Forced to Fact Check Her Own Fact Check

The BBC never fails to entertain with their so-called ‘fact-checking.’ Last night’s Question Time saw Reform Party chairman Zia Yusuf call out the staggering number of asylum seekers flooding into Britain after it emerged that the Foreign Office has splashed over £4 billion on support for refugees and asylum seekers. Zia rightly pointed out that the UK takes in more asylum seekers per capita than France. Moderator’ Fiona Bruce was quick to shut him down:

“France takes more per capita, we are quite far down the list.”

Cue an awkward fact-check of her own fact-check. Not long after, Bruce admitted Zia was actually “right” before hastily moving on. No apology, of course. Doubt BBC Verify were the ones to tell her she was wrong…

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