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James Price: Farewell, Zahawi – a great patriot, minister, and servant to both Britain and the Conservatives | Conservative Home


James Price served as Chief of Staff and as a senior special adviser to Nadhim Zahawi.

Being someone’s SpAd is a peculiar mix of a role. Part cheerleader, part confidant, part exasperated sidekick, it’s nonetheless one of the best jobs in the country.

One day, your boss is the first person you speak to in the morning, and the last person you text before you go to bed (even with a partner lying next to you!) Then the next, the carousel stops, if the pair of you leave your posts. It’s like a cross between the first time you move away from your parents, mixed with the first night your children fly the nest.

So, it’s particularly sad to see Nadhim Zahawi, my old boss, announce that he will be standing down from Parliament at the next election. It’s a sad day personally, to see someone I admire so deeply, who is so full of love for his work, his constituents, and our country step away from this phase of his life. But it’s also a synecdoche of a much broader set of problems that the Conservative Party, and Britain more widely, are facing.

It now feels like a while ago, and I’ve little interest in dredging up the circumstances around his leaving the Government (that also meant his SpAds were left unemployed, of course). Suffice it to say that, in my own opinion, the regard in which politicians are held has fallen below the healthy scepticism that has for centuries provided this island with a bulwark of liberty against tyranny. It has, in too many cases, slipped into a cynicism that has become attenuated from the fundamental Christian ideas like grace and forgiveness that have been prerequisites building blocks of our civilisation.

After his own fall from grace, Alexander Hamilton was recalled to lead a defence of the United States in the Quasi-War. After years in the political wilderness, Cicero was raised to combat Mark Antony. Winston Churchill was redeemed after Gallipoli. Without quite being obsequious enough to compare Zahawi to these figures (old SpAdding habits die hard), the level of casual cynicism towards the most able recent ministers and their talents deprives us of real ability. Even at this late hour, the Zahawis of the Party would add enormously to our ability to govern.

Zahawi’s departure points to another big problem for the party and the country. The natural party of business is at risk of losing the right to that description. Too few ministers have the right private sector experience, and too many have allowed the civil service to add burdensome regulation onto enterprise in the damned foolish belief that it has no penalty to prosperity.

My own business experience is patchy. I did start at age five working every weekend helping my parents’ balloon decoration business in proud defiance of child labour laws, but as an adult it was limited to a few years of consulting. But I was fortunate enough to work for the founder of YouGov, that rare thing – a British unicorn.

The same clear-eyed, sharp-elbowed practices that now seem out of step with the sterilised and risk-averse world of Westminster are much more accepted either in the City, or to any small business owner up and down the land.

Take the UK’s world-beating vaccine rollout: too much forgotten in our understandable desire to blank out the horror of the Covid years. It was a triumph of innovation and necessity stripping out the usual ways of working. It wouldn’t have happened without Zahawi’s business experience and instincts.

I will spare the reader some of the horror stories that were averted, but one howler involved Public Health England’s plans to develop their own infrastructure to distribute vaccines at sub-zero temperatures all across the UK, blissfully ignorant of the pre-existing supply chains industry.

With Brandon Lewis and Sajid Javid also leaving parliament, the number of MPs both successful in – and tub-thumpingly positive towards – business is at risk of taking a real hit if we don’t replenish it with newcomers. It’s understandable, of course; to try to help your country, you need to give up oodles of executive power to do things, forfeit earnings in your prime, and be subjected to the kind of scrutiny that turned the heroic lockdown lifter into a pantomime villain.

When he was running CCHQ, Zahawi told us to hire an in-house head-hunter to find the next generation of great MPs and convince them to apply. He understood that the pipeline of talent was crucial, and that the skills they would bring would outweigh the inclusion of ghastly corporate speak like ‘pipeline of talent’.

There are still, wonderfully, and almost inexplicably, hordes of talented people out there who want to become Conservative MPs. Our party should make sure that these people, and their talents, experience, and skills (and the potential concomitant baggage) are given a fair shot alongside local councillors, as important as those people are, too.

As for Zahawi himself, I will close by reminding you of his closing words from the Mansion House speech he was able to deliver as Chancellor:

“Some of you may be wondering if you’ll ever see me again. By this time next year, many of you will perhaps have forgotten me.

“But let me assure you, this Iraqi immigrant* will never forget you or the honour of addressing you as Chancellor.

“This is the only country on Earth where that could be possible, which is why I love this country and I am proud my children and grandchildren will grow up here.

“My Lord Mayor, at least you have a year.

“If I only have a few months, rest assured this will be one of the greatest moments of my life.”

Thank you to a great servant of the United Kingdom, and the Conservative Party. May many more like him step up.

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How many social homes have been sold off in the last 10 years


The number of social homes being lost continues to outnumber those being built, and in large numbers

England has a chronic shortage of social homes, with housing groups saying that around 90,000 social rent homes are needed every year to address the huge deficit. 

The lack of good quality social housing has been attributed as a major factor in fueling the UK’s housing crisis, with Manchester Mayor Andy Burnham recently calling to suspend the Right to Buy scheme, which allows council tenants to buy their council home at a discounted price. 

Recent research by the New Economics Foundation found that more than one in ten council homes sold under Margaret Thatcher’s Right to Buy scheme are now owned by private landlords. The figure varied in different authorities, finding in Brighton 86% of homes sold under the scheme are now being privately rented. 

More than a million households are currently waiting for social homes which has pushed many into temporary accommodation or into the private rented sector where there is an affordability crisis. 

But the number of social homes being lost continues to outnumber those being built. Last year, government figures revealed there was a net loss of 12,000 social homes in England, with sales and demolitions surpassing the number of homes built. The stats showed that 22,023 social homes were either sold or demolished in 2023. 

Over a 10 year period, a whopping total of 212,590 social homes were sold off, analysis by homelessness charity Crisis found. While a further 58,772 were demolished. This compares to the 93,875 that were delivered between 2012/13 and 2022/23, marking a net loss of 177,487 social homes. 

Crisis Chief Executive Matt Downie said it was “disgraceful” seeing the number of social homes “continue to be decimated” and added that the “system is at breaking point”.

Housing charity Shelter has launched a new campaign called ‘Made in Social Housing’, celebrating the positive impact social homes have had on people and wider society. It is calling on the government to pledge to build at least 90,000 social homes a year for 10 years. 

Hannah Davenport is news reporter at Left Foot Forward

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Nigerian Army pulls out 29 Infantry Corps Generals

The Nigerian Army on Friday pulled out 29 Generals of the Infantry Corps who retired from active military service.

The News Agency of Nigeria (NAN) reports that out of the 29 retired infantry officers pulled out of active service at the Jaji Military Cantonment in Kaduna State, 19 were Major Generals and 10 Brigadiers General.

Leading the pack was Maj.-Gen. Victor Ezugwu, who spoke on behalf of the retirees.

Ezugwu encourages their successors to not only sustain the modest strategic, operational and tactical achievements made but also to surpass them.
”The frontline is expanding and the Nigerian Army is becoming increasingly committed with the eyes of the nation and the world on it.

”Our Infantry Corps must therefore not relent or rest on her oars as the entire Nigerian Army depends largely on the Infantry Corps to achieve its core mandate and mission.

”I admonish the Infantry that as the threats to Nigeria’s sovereignty is becoming asymmetric in time and space, you must be proactively way ahead of our adversaries in all aspects of the unfolding combat scenarios,” he added.
Ezugwu also called on the Infantry Corps to review some of its tactical and operational strategies in the areas of night fighting capabilities, and frontline intelligence gathering on enemy activities.

He further advised the corps to strengthen basic field crafts training in the areas of aggressive fighting patrols to dominate at least 5 km radius of their locations, Ambushes, listening and observation posts as well as all levels of battle drills.

Ezugwu advocated for employment of modern technology and ICT enablers, and deliberate efforts to develop the leadership skills of junior commanders.
“Be rest assured that my colleagues and I will be glad and willing to avail the Infantry Corps of our time, energy and resources until our last breath on earth.”

He announced the donation of 200 books and encyclopedias to the Infantry Corps Centre and Nigerian Army School of Infantry libraries to promote training, reading culture, mentorship and capacity development of officers and soldiers.

“We are also availing the infantry Corps the sum of N1 million to purchase more Corps-related books.

“This is our modest way to encourage the edification of younger Infantry officers and soldiers so as to inspire and motivate them to reach their full potential as they grow in service,” Ezugwu said.

He described military career as the most priceless, honourable and sacrificial call to duty globally, and thanked God for allowing them to end their careers alive after serving the nation for between 30 -38 years.
The General described the day as full of emotional feelings, nostalgic memories, wholesome gratitude, unending joy and unwavering fulfilment.

“For every service personnel, retirement from active service remains a natural and inevitable end which begins to count from the day we passed out from NDA as officers in the Armed Forces of Nigeria.

”Our joy and that of our families, colleagues and friends gathered here today knows no bounds as we take a final bow from the Infantry Corps.
“On behalf of my retired colleague Generals, I most respectfully and dutifully appreciate the incumbent Chief of Army Staff, Lt-Gen Taoreed Lagbaja for organising this benefitting and memorable pulling out parade in our honour,” he added.

He also appreciated the Commander Infantry Corps, Maj.-Gen. Olufemi Oluyede, for mobilising the entire Infantry family including veterans and other luminaries in the Infantry Corps to honour them.

”As I stand on this podium and look around this Parade Ground, I am moved with hysterical feeling of excitement considering the mammoth turnout of the infantry family.

”Host and neighbouring communities of Jaji, Labar, Wusono, Railway, Birnin Yero, Angwan Loya and other parts of Zazzau Emirate, led by our revered Emir, to celebrate our retirement.”

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Israel protests shroud Eurovision final build-up | IQ Magazine


The build-up to the 68th Eurovision Song Contest has been marred by protests over Israel’s inclusion in the event.

Israeli singer Eden Golan qualified for tomorrow’s (11 May) grand final at Sweden’s Malmö Arena after a public vote. The 20-year-old received a mixed reaction from the audience during last night’s semi-final and had been booed during rehearsals the previous evening.

Eurovision has faced boycott calls over Israel’s participation in the 2024 contest, amid the ongoing war and escalating humanitarian crisis in Gaza. Thousands of pro-Palestinian protestors gathered in the streets of Malmö yesterday. The Guardian reports that further protests, and an alternative concert, which organisers have billed as “a song contest without genocide”, are planned for Saturday.

A smaller demonstration in support of Israel also reportedly took place.

The European Broadcasting Union (EBU), which organises the competition, allowed Israel to compete after it changed the lyrics to its song, originally titled October Rain, which was understood to reference the 7 October attacks by Hamas, breaching Eurovision’s rules on political neutrality. It has since been renamed Hurricane and features amended lyrics.

“It is truly such an honour to be here on stage, representing [Israel] with pride,” said Golan, as per the BBC. “I’m so grateful for everyone who voted and took part in supporting us, and me.”

“The European Broadcasting Union acknowledges the depth of feeling and the strong opinions that this year’s Eurovision Song Contest – set against the backdrop of a terrible war in the Middle East – has provoked”

According to Al Jezeera, About 1,139 people were killed in the coordinated 7 October attacks according to Israeli authorities – including more than 360 in the Supernova festival massacre – while over 34,904 people have since been killed in Gaza, and 78,514 wounded.

The EBU released a statement last month regarding the “abuse and harassment” of Eurovision artists.

“The European Broadcasting Union acknowledges the depth of feeling and the strong opinions that this year’s Eurovision Song Contest – set against the backdrop of a terrible war in the Middle East – has provoked,” says Jean Philip De Tender, deputy director general of the EBU. “We understand that people will want to engage in debate and express their deeply held views on this matter. We have all been affected by the images, stories and the unquestionable pain suffered by those in Israel and in Gaza.

“However, we wish to address the concerns and discussions surrounding this situation, especially the targeted social media campaigns against some of our participating artists.”

De Tender continues: “The decision to include any broadcaster, including the Israeli’ broadcaster Kan, in the Eurovision Song Contest is the sole responsibility of the EBU’s governing bodies and not that of the individual artists. These artists come to Eurovision to share their music, culture, and the universal message of unity through the language of music.

“The EBU has previously explained the reasoning for the inclusion of KAN and the differences between them as an independent broadcaster and previous participants who were excluded. Constructive debate is a positive consequence of such decisions.

“However, while we strongly support freedom of speech and the right to express opinions in a democratic society, we firmly oppose any form of online abuse, hate speech, or harassment directed at our artists or any individuals associated with the contest. This is unacceptable and totally unfair, given the artists have no role in this decision.”

“We urge everyone to engage in respectful and constructive dialogue and support the artists who are working tirelessly – on what is a music and entertainment show”

He adds: “The EBU is dedicated to providing a safe and supportive environment for all participants, staff, and fans of the Eurovision Song Contest. We will continue to work closely with all stakeholders to promote the values of respect, inclusivity, and understanding, both online and offline.

“We urge everyone to engage in respectful and constructive dialogue and support the artists who are working tirelessly – on what is a music and entertainment show – to share their music with the world.”

Meanwhile, Sky News reports that the Netherlands’ Eurovision entry Joost Klein is under EBU investigation due to an “incident”.

“We are currently investigating an incident that was reported to us involving the Dutch artist,” says an EBU statmement. “He will not be rehearsing until further notice. We have no further comment at this time and will update in due course.”

Malmö Arena, owned by Parkfast Arena, can host up to 15,000 people for music events depending on the position of the stage, according to the venue’s website. It will be the seventh time Sweden will host to Eurovision and coincides with the 50th anniversary of ABBA’s first triumph. Former winners Charlotte Perrelli, Carola and Conchita Wurst are set to perform an homage to the legendary Swedish band during Saturday’s ceremony.

Latvia, Austria, the Netherlands, Norway, Greece, Estonia, Switzerland, Georgia and Armenia also qualified for tomorrow’s final. Last year’s trophy was taken home by Sweden’s contestant, Loreen, who won the competition, hosted by Liverpool, UK, on behalf of Ukraine, for the second time. Croatia are the current favourites to win the 2024 contest.


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Pensioner poverty in the world’s sixth largest economy is a political choice


To avert a major humanitarian and economic crisis, governments need to be bold and commit to aligning the state pension with the living wage

Prem Sikka is an Emeritus Professor of Accounting at the University of Essex and the University of Sheffield, a Labour member of the House of Lords, and Contributing Editor at Left Foot Forward.

Death and taxes may be the only certainties in life, but poverty in retirement is increasingly a harsh reality for UK retirees. It will be even more so for future retirees as low wages and unchecked corporate profiteering has reduced chances of adequate savings for old-age, and people will be forced to survive on the inadequate state pension.

The UK has over 12.7m retirees. For the pre-April 2016 retirees, the state pension is £169.50 per week or around £9,000 a year conditional upon National Insurance contributions. Only 75% of the pre-2016 retirees receive the full amount i.e. nearly 2.4m people, mostly women miss out.

For post-2016 retirees, the state pension is  £221.20 a week or £11,500 a year, all conditional upon National Insurance contributions for qualifying years. Only 51% of the post-2016 retirees receive the full state pension, i.e. nearly 1.7m, and once again women lose out as they are penalised for being child bearers and carers.

A minister informed parliament that the “lowest State Pension amounts in payments are less than £1 per week”. When asked to publish the median state pension, the Minister replied: “There are no plans to publish the median weekly amount”. Despite hikes in the state pension age and the Equality Act 2010, women continue to receive lower state pension than men’s. Those not receiving the full state pension may be entitled to mean-tested benefits such as Pension Credit and housing benefit, if they can negotiate the bureaucratic maze. Nearly 1.4m pensioners receive pension credit, worth £3,900 a year, and last year £2.2bn went unclaimed.

Based upon the past data, the average state pension may be around £9,000-£9,500 a year and is the main or the only source of income for majority of retirees, especially women. This compares with median wage of £28,104 a year and average wage of around £35,200 a year. The headline minimum wage for 37.5 hours a week is around £22,300. Pensioners are expected to survive on the state pension which is less than 50% of the minimum wage and barely 26% of the average wage. It is even worse for pensioners who choose to live abroad with their loved ones. Their state pension is frozen and not increased each year. Some pensioners may receive work pension, but the future is bleak as DB schemes have vanished and low wages prevent people from saving for retirement. Some 28% of over-55s have no other pension saved apart from the state pension. Nearly 32% of Britons are unable to save for pension due to low incomes. Due to gender pay gap women are more likely to heavily rely on the state pension.

Our political establishment is all too willing to condemn current and future pensioners to poverty. Chancellor Jeremy Hunt complained that annual salary of £100,000 is not enough. Former Prime Minister Boris Johnson complained that the then PM salary of £141,000 is not enough to live on and described income of £250,000 as chicken-feed. Former Chancellor Kwasi Kwarteng and former health secretary Matt Hancock demand £10,000 for a day’s work. Tory MP Peter Bottomley says he can’t live on an MP’s salary, currently £91,346, but they all expect pensioners to live on £9,000-£9,500 a year.

The UK state pension, as a percentage of average earnings, is one of the lowest in the developed economies. Pensioner benefit spending for 2023-24 is estimated to be £138bn, of which £125bn is spent on state pensions. According to the OECD, the UK was spending around 5.7% of its GDP on state pensions and related benefits, compared to 16% for Italy, 13.9% for France, 13.5% for Finland and 10.4% for Germany. More recent estimates for the UK suggest that it may now be 5.9% of national income, still well below the spending by major European countries.

Despite a variety of benefits and the triple-lock, some 2.2m UK retirees, including 1.25m women, live in poverty. Some 2.5 million retirees skip meals and 1.3 million are at risk of undernourishment. Around 68,000 retirees die in poverty each year. Despite winter fuel payments, last year there were nearly 5,000 excess pensioner deaths from cold as retirees have to make tough choices between eating and heating. A study covering the period 2012-2019 noted 335,000 excess deaths (48,000 a year) in England, Scotland and Wales due to poverty and austerity. Over one-third of the deaths were under the age of 65 years i.e. majority were senior citizens. Mortality rates increased, especially for women.

The plan of the political establishment is to make older people work longer, effectively prevent people from claiming the state pension after lifelong payment of taxes and national insurance. The state pension age is currently set at 66 years and is due to increase to 67 in 2026-2028 and to 68 from 2044. Some want to pile on the agony by hiking the state pension age to 71. Tory MP Ian Duncan Smith wants to make people work until they drop by hiking the state pension age to 75 years of age. UK life expectancy is stagnant or shrinking. Due to poverty, low wages and lack of access to good food, housing, hospitals, family doctors and dentists healthy life expectancy in England is 62.4 years for males and 62.7 years for females; 61.1 years for males and 60.3 years for females in Wales.

In sharp contrast, France is to increase the state pension age from 62 to 64 by 2030. Poland reduced retirement age to 65 years of age for men and to 60 years of age for women.

Each hike in the state pension age results in wealth transfer from the poor to the rich. On average the rich tend to live 10 years longer than the poor. Life expectancy in Blackpool is around 73.4 years, compared to 86.3 years in affluent Kensington and Chelsea. So the rich will receive the state pension for a longer period than the poor.

Too many spin pensioner poverty as an old versus young issue, forgetting that today’s young people are tomorrow’s retirees. In time, today’s low pensions will haunt them too. The real issue is nothing to do with age. It is a class issue, connected with low wages and inequitable distribution of income and wealth. The UK is increasingly a place where a small minority of people have excessive wealth and the rest struggle to make ends meet. The top 1% has more wealth than 70% of the population combined. Just 50 families have more wealth than 50% of the population. It needs to be redistributed to enable people to live a dignified life.

To avert a major humanitarian and economic crisis, governments need to be bold and commit to aligning the state pension with the living wage, within the lifetime of a single parliament and enable senior citizens to live with dignity. Contrary to the right-wing commentators, the state pension is not a burden. It keeps retirees nourished, heated and active. It improves physical and mental health, reduces pressure on the NHS, GPs, care services and reduces demand for social security benefits and related administration. It also stimulates the local economies as pensioners tend to spend locally. Pensioners pay income tax if their total income exceeds tax-free personal allowance. They also pay council tax, VAT and other indirect taxes.

A country that can bailout banks and energy companies; fund wars in Ukraine, Afghanistan and Iraq, and hand out billion is subsidies to rail, steel, oil, gas, auto and internet companies can also fund the state pension to enable people to live with dignity. For example, by taxing capital gains at the same marginal rates as wages, around £12bn a year in additional revenues can be raised. The same remedy for dividends can raise another £4bn-£5bn. Levying national insurance on recipients of capital gains and dividends, currently exempt, can raise another £8bn-£10bn. Restricting tax relief on pension contribution to 20% for all will generate £14.5bn a year. Since 2010, HMRC  has failed to collect over £500bn in taxes due to evasion and abuse. Some £570bn of UK citizens’ assets are held in offshore tax havens and HMRC has no idea of the level of tax evasion. So, investment in HMRC can generate billions of pounds. Additional revenues can be raised by wealth taxes and a financial transactions tax.

Pensioner poverty in the world’s sixth largest economy is a political choice, and needs to be challenged in the next general election.

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How Irish Soccer Unites Students in Community and Celebration

Sports have an almost magical ability to bring people together across boundaries that normally divide societies. The shared passion for a team or athlete can unite even the most diverse groups of people behind a common cause. In few places is this more evident than Ireland and the nation’s fervent love for soccer.

Students who are overwhelmed with assignments can use a UK essay writing service like Ukwritings to get expert help and free up time for enjoying sports and community activities. Ukwritings is a professional essay writing service that can assist students with any type of academic paper, allowing them to have more time to immerse themselves in the unifying celebrations of Irish soccer culture.

Soccer is deeply woven into the cultural fabric of Ireland, cutting across socioeconomic lines, religious affiliations, urban and rural communities. From the streets of Dublin to tiny villages in the countryside, the game is a universal language that all Irish people can speak fluently.

For students in particular, whether local or international, being part of the Irish soccer community provides an automatic connection point and avenue into celebrating Irish culture and identity.

The College Soccer Experience

Most Irish universities have men’s and women’s soccer clubs where students can play recreationally or at a competitive level. Taking part instantly plugs students into ready-made social networks filled with teammates who quickly become friends and chosen family.

The raucous atmospheres of college soccer matches, filled with rambunctious cheering sections trading chants back and forth, build unforgettable bonds. The shared joys of winning a big match or even just playing one’s heart out in a losing effort leave imprints that last long after students have graduated.

Ireland’s professional and international soccer teams also have official supporters’ clubs at most major universities. These organizations help rally students behind their clubs through organizing viewing parties for matches, arranging transportation and group travel to away games, coordinating tifo displays and stadium sing-alongs, and more.

Being part of these supporters’ groups means being part of a tight-knit community celebrating their Irishness. It provides a welcoming entry-point for international students to embrace a beloved part of Irish culture.

Unifying Pride

When the Irish national sides embark on successful World Cup or European Championship campaigns, the entire country gets swept up in a wave of green pride. Neighborhoods and campuses come alive with the colors and symbols of Ireland, united in hopeful expectation and exhilaration.

In these moments, students from all walks of life find themselves joined together in packed bars, living rooms, and public viewing parties. They sing the same anthems at the tops of their lungs, groan and cheer in unison with every play, and embrace total strangers when Ireland scores a goal. A diverse student body becomes one bonded by their Irish heritage and love for their nation’s team.

At times like these, even students who are international or don’t normally follow soccer can get wrapped up in the raw emotion and infectious energy surrounding pivotal matches involving the national side. With looming research paper deadlines, some may consider utilizing top research paper services to get assistance and free up time to experience the unifying power of these moments. You don’t have to understand every nuance of the game to feel the power of a whole country collectively holding its breath.

In the revelry of big victories or the sombre mourning of losses, young people experience a profound sense of being part of the Irish community. Win or lose, they share moments that will forever be etched into their memories of their college years.

In the revelry of big victories or the sombre mourning of losses, young people experience a profound sense of being part of the Irish community. Win or lose, they share moments that will forever be etched into their memories of their college years.

Celebrations and Solidarity

Beyond major tournaments, the weekly soap opera of the domestic League of Ireland or the Premier League’s Irish contingent like Seamus Coleman and Matt Doherty provide built-in reasons for students to come together in regular celebrations and community solidarity.

Local pubs and student centers host watch parties where classmates can analyze the latest results or fiercely debate coaching decisions over pints. Jerseys of favorite Irish players are ubiquitous across campuses on weekends as each match provides a rallying point. Bonds deepen as the highs and lows of each soccer season play out.

Even just playing pickup games – a longstanding tradition at Irish universities – lets students make new connections and nurture old ones around their shared love of soccer. The simple act of getting some friends together for a casual kickabout becomes an event rich in community and an opportunity to make memories.

For international students, taking part in soccer culture offers an authentic way to immerse themselves in Irish society in a fun, welcoming environment alongside their local Irish peers. The ties built through a common love of the sport help create personal support systems and avenues of integration.

A Unifying Force

While Ireland has made great strides in overcoming historic divides, many social barriers still exist, even on progressive university campuses. Religion, class, politics, race, and other differences can separate students into fractured social bubbles.

Soccer, however, has a unique power to transcend these divides. On the pitch or in the stands, everyone is unified as Irish and part of the same community. The unyielding passion for the game becomes the great equalizer that unites students in a way few other social forces can.

Through their shared celebration and community surrounding soccer, Irish students create bonds of friendship that last a lifetime and memories forever etched into their college experience. Very few impacts could be more unifying.


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Erotic Secrets of Pompeii tour


One of our favourite new bands this year, Erotic Secrets of Pompeii are taking their raved about debut album out on tour. All tour dates are below and we think you must go.

Check out their review on LTW here.

An ‘I have seen the Future of Rock’n’Roll..’ band? Or an uber-pretentious cult/art school anomaly?  Erotic Secrets of Pompeiihave absorbed everything from the history of cerebral, dark & strange rock music, but seem outlandishly original somehow. Ged Babey insists that this album is a masterpiece and only the beginning of a new kind of Gothic.


Erotic Secrets of Pompeii are on tour this May – you must go and see

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Caption Contest (Elphickle Friends Edition)


Caption Contest (Elphickle Friends Edition)


Entries in the comments…


Caption Contest

May 10 2024 @ 15:02









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Blocking out the Noise – Denzel Bentley is switched on for the “threat” from Danny Dignum | Boxing News

DENZEL BENTLEY admits he can find it difficult to get motivated for a fight that he is expected to win.

Distractions, or as he describes it, “outside noise” can get inside his head and divert his attention from the task at hand. Against Nathan Heaney in November Bentley was widely expected to defend his British middleweight title and be the one who put a full stop on Heaney’s underdog story.

In the main event at Manchester Arena, after the likes of Nick Ball, Liam Davies, Harry Scarff, Nathaniel Collins, and Solomon Dacres all conducted successful business in the ring, Heaney caused the biggest shock of the night and the year. The underdog snapped away at Bentley and eventually won a deserved decision to take the Lonsdale belt.

Bentley, 18-3-1 (15 KOs), did not want to offer excuses when he spoke to Boxing News several weeks after the loss but believed his wife’s pregnancy and the premature birth of his first child did affect his preparations.

At the time he said, “I didn’t want to say that on the night because it would seem like I’m making excuses. I wanted Heaney to enjoy his win. It’s still not excuses but it’s what was going on and I decided to get in the ring. I’ve got to deal with the outcome.”

Four months later, Bentley now faces Essex middleweight Danny Dignum, 16-1-1 (9 KOs), on Saturday night (May 11) at York Hall. Two years ago, the two men faced “Qazaq Style” Zhanibek Alimkhanuly six months apart in Las Vegas. Dignum was in over his head in May 2022, lasting two rounds, but Bentley went the distance and at the time proved his worth as a world title contender.

“If I go into the next fight and don’t win that, what’s my excuse, then,” Bentley laughed.

The 29-year-old initially spoke to BN about his experience last week with Steel Warriors, an anti-knife crime charity, but kindly gave up more time to talk about the Dignum fight which headlines the Saturday fight night on TNT Sports.

“I’ve got to be on point,” he said.

“If I don’t perform next time, I shouldn’t be in the ring. But I feel good this time. Danny Dignum’s a good fighter. In my opinion a better fighter than Nathan [Heaney]. I’m excited to put out a statement and get back to where I was because I was in a good position before that [loss], and I let Nathan take that from me. That stung me a little bit. I know that feeling and I don’t want it again. I need to put on a good performance and get back to where I was and move forward.”

Bentley vs. Dignum is the main event at the York Hall (Stephen Dunkley/Queensberry)

“He’s a good boxer, very technical,” Bentley said of Dignum.

“He’s a southpaw, got good straight shots, got a good shot selection and he only ever lost once. He’s a good fighter. I tell people this ain’t a comeback fight. This is a fight I could’ve had after Heaney if I couldn’t get a world title shot. This is a real competitive fight.

“I know we ain’t seen Dignum for a while and he ain’t been active, but I know he stays in the gym because I know where he trains. And I know in that gym they stay pretty active. I’m not expecting him to be rusty. I’m expecting a good version of him. I’m excited for this fight, I’m actually really excited, I can’t express how much.”

Like many boxing fans, Bentley is enjoying a period in the sport where the best fights are being made. Undefeated records are not wrapped up in protective materials because more and more fighters are willing to take a loss, knowing it’s not the end of their career. The financial injection from Saudi Arabia has likely made the risk factor easier to swallow but let’s not forget that boxing is also prizefighting.

“That’s the phase we’re in,” Bentley said.

“Good fighters are taking good fights and losing so that undefeated stuff is going out the window. They realise if you take the right fights, you get paid the right money. We’re in a good phase of boxing because we’re seeing good fights now.

“The main thing in boxing is if you put up a good fight and a good performance people are going to want to see you again, regardless. It’s a sport, it’s competition. You’re allowed to fall short in competition, it’s how you get back.

“I’m someone that likes competition,” he added. “If I’m fighting someone that’s not on my level, it’s kind of hard to get up for. I’m sometimes good at blocking outside noise if the task at hand is greater than what’s going on. When you’re fighting someone that you don’t feel is as good as you or not on your level, sometimes the outside noise can get inside, and you don’t pay attention. I know you should be professional, but that’s just human nature.

“Right now, Danny Dignum is a threat and can take something away from me. And all the outside noise that’s going on, it’s easy for me to block out because I’ve got the energy. There’s a threat in front of me and I need to focus.”

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Council by-election result from yesterday and forthcoming contests | Conservative Home


North Ayrshire – Kilwinning 

Labour 2,171 (54.3 per cent, +8.3) SNP 916 (22.9 per cent, -12.0) Conservatives 619 (15.5 per cent, -0.1) Lib Dems 154 (3.9 per cent, +0.4) Scottish Family Party 136 (3.4 per cent, +3.4)

Labour gain from Conservatives. (This is a multi-member ward elected by the STV system.)

Forthcoming contests

May 23rd

  •  Melton – Wymondham. (Conservative held)

May 30th

  • Birmingham – Kingstanding. (Conservative held)

June 6th

  • North Lincolnshire – Axholme North. (Conservative held)
  • North Lincolnshire – Brumby. (Labour held)
  • Telford & Wrekin – The Nedge.  Leanne Powers (Labour held)
  • Torbay – Wellswood. (Conservative held)

June 13th

  • Highland – Tain & Easter Ross. (Highland Independent)
  • West Dunbartonshire – Clydebank Central. (Labour held)

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