Saturday, September 21, 2024
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Reeves pledged to “stop all non-essential spending” on Government communications. How is it going? | Conservative Home


In her infamous financial statement in July, Rachel Reeves expressed shock at discovering a “£22 billion black hole” in the public finances for this year. The Financial Times asked, via a Freedom of Information request, for a breakdown of how this tally was arrived at. The Treasury were unable to tell them. Since the last Government was blamed, presumably the £9.4 billion for public sector pay – above inflation increases with no productivity improvements – was not one of the items. But it will hardly have helped. The Chancellor did set out some savings, however. There was means-testing of the Winter Fuel Payment, of course, as well as some other items in the economy drive.

One announcement that I welcomed was that the Government would “stop all non-essential spending” on communications. The Taxpayers Alliance has found that spending by the NHS alone on communications comes to £57 million a year. Total public sector spending on communications was reported as being £0.75 billion last year, having been rising fast. A Treasury briefing note, published on July 29th the same day as the Chancellor’s statement, said that “immediate action on spending pressures” would include savings of £50 million in Government Departments on communications. Rather a modest target perhaps – with the implication that it is “essential” for over 90 per cent of communications spending to continue. Still, perhaps the focus was on PR that Government Departments had direct control over – rather than covering the spin doctors working for the NHS, the local authorities, and all the Quangos.

So how is it going? According to the response I have had from Freedom of Information requests to Government Departments there seems to be no savings at all so far. We are already halfway through the financial year – yet the tone of the replies hardly conveys a sense of urgency.

  • The Department for Environment Food and Rural Affairs, with 218 communications officers, states that there “are no current plans to change the size of Defra’s Communications.”
  • The Department for Work and Pensions, with 135 press officers, says “information is not held” on any reductions.
  • The Department for Transport has 90 press officers. The response does say the total “is currently under review.”
  • The Department for Culture Media and Sport, with 45 press officers, has “no information” about any cutbacks.
  • The Department of Health has 80 press officers and says that “no decisions have been taken about reductions for the current financial year or 2025-26.”
  • The Cabinet Office, with 34 communications staff, should be leading the review but has no plans to set an example declaring: “There are no current plans to change the size of the Cabinet Office Communications.”
  • The Business Department has 117 press officers. No news of any reduction in the spin machine.
  • The Department of Justice has 108 press officers with “no plans to change.”
  • The Department of Education has 84 communications staff, and promises “we continuously review all teams.”
  • The Ministry of Defence responded that it doesn’t know how many communications staff it has and it would cost too much to find out. Ditto the Foreign Office.
  • The Northern Ireland Office has nine communications officers: “Given the essential nature of the work, the Northern Ireland Office has no current plans to make reductions.”
  • The Department for Energy Security & Net Zero has 76 communications officers and says there are “no planned reductions.”

The Treasury has not replied with regards to its own spin machine.

Incidentally, I have no personal animus against all these communications staff. But the numbers are absurdly high. I wonder if there are more press officers in Whitehall than journalists on national newspapers. Doubtless the press officers are a fundamentally bright, good humoured, public spirited bunch who felt it would be an exciting career choice. Surely the reality must be a great disappointment. They must be bored witless. Would not redundancy be a liberating opportunity for them to find more worthwhile endeavours?

Some may argue that with state spending of £1,200 billion a year it is rather a footling matter if a billion or so goes on comms, or a billion on equalities and diversity and so on. That strikes me as the wrong attitude to take. With a billion here and a billion there you are soon talking about real money. In Argentina, state spending as a share of GDP has fallen from 44 per cent last year to 32 per cent year due to reforms introduced by Javier Milei. Taking a chainsaw to the bureaucracy, subsidies, and corrupt vested interests has proved rather popular. I suspect he writes his own tweets.

Politicians often talk about “tough choices” on public spending. But there are plenty that are rather less tough than forcing pensioners to shiver this winter.

The Chancellor’s pledge to “stop all non-essential spending” on communications sounds as if it was, rather ironically, just a bit of spin.

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Henry Newman: Follow the money with Labour Together and let's see where it leads | Conservative Home


Henry Newman was special adviser to Boris Johnson and Michael Gove, and director of the OpenEurope think tank.

Keir Starmer promised a Government of service. But every day there are stories which make his new Labour administration seem more focused on self-service.

Cronyism, clothes for the Prime Minister’s wife, holidays and birthday parties for politicians, Civil Service jobs handed to donors and associates, pay rises for senior political staff, and allegations of sweetheart deals with trade union allies.

We aren’t even 100 days in. To cap it off – Keir Starmer himself has now declared more gifts, freebies and donations than any other MP.

Attention has rightly focused on Keir Starmer’s personal donor (and spectacle shopper) Lord Alli and on his access to Downing Street. It’s also focussed on influence Alli may have over Government appointments. There are many questions to be answered about all that.

But there are also other donors that deserve serious scrutiny.

The biggest single donor to MPs is a relatively new organisation – Labour Together.

It presents itself as a ‘think tank offering bold ideas’.

But unlike most think tanks it doesn’t set out many policy papers. Most of its work is opaque. It doesn’t publish a full list of employees. Labour Together is not a charity – unlike Policy Exchange or the IPPR.

The clue is in the name. It is expressly partisan.

Some suggest Labour Together is modelled on the Conservative outfit Onward. But it operates completely differently. Labour Together seconds staff into MPs’ offices, and donates hundreds of thousands of pounds to political candidates. This is not what most think tanks do.

Ex-MP Jon Cruddas described Labour Together as ‘Labour’s first Super PAC’.

His words raise the spectre of Americanisation but they understate what is happening.

Labour Together is not just Labour’s first Super PAC, but a new development in British politics. American Super PACs are actually prohibited from donating to specific political candidates. Labour Together have given to dozens of MPs. Are our electoral regulations fit for this brave new world?

Donations to Labour Together are declared to the Electoral Commission. The donations Labour Together makes are also declared.

This allows some – but not all – of the money flow to be tracked.

Critics argue Labour Together offers donors (and politicians) the chance to ‘wash’ donations. Money from less salubrious sources can be blended together with more anodyne cash, and presented as prime beef mince. I’m sure a Labour Together spokesman would say this is all allowed within the rules. They are probably right, albeit within the current rules.

Some donors have given both to Labour Together and directly to individual MPs. For example, Lord (David) Sainsbury is a major Labour Together backer. Labour Together donated around £65,000 to Rachel Reeves. But Sainsbury also gave £75,000 to Reeves. There is nothing necessarily wrong with that.

But it is a bit odd.

Equally, it seems strange that Reeves sponsors a pass for Nicholas Garland who works for her as a Policy Adviser funded by Labour Together. She is the Chancellor – why does she have a researcher seconded from an external organisation working in her Parliamentary office?

Labour Together have funded a lot of secondees.

Some of these have been handed Civil Service jobs without open competition.

For example, Jess Sergeant worked for Labour Together before becoming the first-ever political appointee to the Propriety and Constitution Group. But Labour Together also funded Nick Thomas-Symonds for whom Sargeant worked in Opposition. He presumably requested Sargeant’s Civil Service role. Did Thomas-Symonds declare his Labour Together funding when one of their staff was parachuted into a senior official position? See also Rose Grayston and Emily Middleton. Labour Together took on a lot of staffers in the immediate run up to the Election, many of whom were seconded to work for shadow ministers. Were specific promises ever made about future Civil Service jobs?

Labour Together’s Chief Executive is ex-MP Jonathan Ashworth. But Companies House declares Josh Simons MP as the only person with ‘significant control’ of Labour Together. Simons was the Director until the Election, but remains a major shareholder. What is this backbench MP’s influence over Labour Together – its ‘policy’ positions and the donations it makes?

The previous director was Morgan McSweeney.

He is now Head of Political Strategy in 10 Downing Street and reportedly battling Chief of Staff, Sue Gray. McSweeney’s time at Labour Together coincided with the organisation breaching electoral law, including by failing to declare over £700,000 of donations properly. Labour Together was subsequently fined by the Electoral Commission.

McSweeney’s Downing Street role is curious – he is a part-time Special Adviser. Presumably this means some of his salary is paid by the Labour Party. What is his link to Labour Together now?

The sense Labour Together is something of a Party within a Party was exacerbated in late August.

On the day of Keir Starmer’s Rose Garden speech, Downing Street pointed the BBC’s World at One to Labour Together for interviews. Presenter, Sarah Montague, was clearly non plussed. She asked on air why there wasn’t a minister available to speak to a set piece Prime Ministerial speech and why ‘bids’ had been referred to Labour Together.

Ashworth claimed to be unaware of what had gone on. Does the Government think Labour Together can speak for the Government?

This article raises more questions than it answers.

But it underscores why scrutiny of Labour Together – and donors more generally – is important.

Overall, a lot of major donors have given to Labour in recent months. And some of this has only just been declared. There are large sums of ‘green’ money, as well as donations from Dale Vince, Public Digital, Lisbet Rausing, and others. Of course, all political parties rely on donations. And there are other organisations around which give money to candidates (although none operating in the way Labour Together does).

The new Labour Government gives every impression of resenting scrutiny. Even mild journalistic challenge is angrily brushed off. Parliamentary questions are dodged.But it’s vital that ministers and politicians in receipt of donations, take all possible steps to be transparent and to manage any conflicts of interest.

It’s seems that in some of the cases relating to Labour Together that has not happened

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Jealous thug hacked love rival to death stabbing him 16 times with zombie knife


A jealous brute who savagely murdered his romantic rival with a 12in zombie knife in a horrifying street assault has been sentenced to life imprisonment.

Haseeb Majid, 22, stabbed Mohammed Duraab Khan, 26, sixteen times at a Texaco petrol station in Nottingham on January 31 this year. Despite the swift response of emergency services to Meadow Lane, Mr Khan tragically succumbed to his injuries shortly after.

The chilling attack was caught on CCTV, leading police to Majid, who had sustained a knee injury during the brutal onslaught. He attempted to argue that he had acted in self-defence and “lost control”, but a jury found him guilty of murder earlier this month.

Today, he received a life sentence and was ordered to serve a minimum of 26 years behind bars. During the three-week trial at Nottingham Crown Court, it emerged that there was animosity between the two men after Majid’s former girlfriend rekindled her relationship with Mr Khan.

On the day of the attack, Mr Khan had been returning from Gatwick Airport where he had dropped off relatives. He and a friend stopped at the petrol station for food. As his friend was filling up the car, Majid, clad in a black coat and ski mask, stormed onto the forecourt. He yanked open the driver’s door and began stabbing at Mr Khan, who was seated in the passenger seat.

In an appalling display of violence that shocked onlookers, Mr Khan was brutally murdered in front of a crowd when Majid emerged from his vehicle and stabbed him 16 times, with the most lethal wound penetrating 22cm into Mr Khans body. Despite the efforts of the public and emergency services, his life could not be saved and he perished at the scene.

Majid’s capture ensued swiftly after footage revealed his Ford Focus performing a U-turn to tail Mr Khan’s car, leading to his arrest the following day. The grief-stricken family of Mr Khan honoured the “remarkable young man.”

Releasing a heartfelt statement, they said: “Duraab was a remarkable young man whose life, though tragically cut short, was filled with love, laughter, and an unyielding dedication to his family and friends.

“Duraab was a man of honour, deeply rooted in the values of his religion and cultural background. He knew how to show respect to his elders, to women, and to children. He lived by a code of honour that defined his every action and interaction. His brutal murder has taken away a brother, a friend, a nephew, and a son from those who loved him unconditionally.”

Detective Inspector Kaz Smithson of Nottinghamshire Police condemned the heinous act, stating: “Mr Khan’s killing at the hands of Majid was savage and completely senseless. Majid must also now live with the consequences of what he did that day as he begins a life sentence.”

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Attack on Israeli army, official killed: Iran wants Hezbollah not to limit its attack on Israel's army.



Attack on the Israeli army, personnel killed After the explosions from the communication devices, the Israeli attack on 70 places in southern Lebanon, there was no immediate report of casualties from the attacks on the Baqa Valley. President Joe Biden said that the best solution to the Israeli-Hezbollah tension is the diplomatic solution.

Hamas is determined to defend Israel against Hezbollah and its Iranian proxies. Hamas attacks killed four soldiers, including a female officer. Footage of the targeting was also released. 10 Palestinian martyrs were killed by the Israeli army at various places in Gaza. Al-Karaj’s fighters also fire a barrage of motorized shells at the Ansinks

 Al-Karis says that shortly after he attacked the IDF, an IDF car-rescue helicopter landed there. 107 mm rockets have been fired at the Israeli tanks, although the release of the soldiers of the Israeli army amid these attacks has received a severe shock. Obeidah says that the fighter who was shot in the head with the gun killed the Israeli gun because his two children were killed in the attack of the Israeli Sena. He took such a step out of pride

Although Abu Obeidah said that our laws do not allow such behavior with hostages and if any danger to the lives of the hostages arises, Azraeli himself will not be responsible for it. It is giving such shocks due to which the back of the Israeli army is breaking on the border. First of all, the loss of the life of Sini, on the other hand, the loss of weapons, and the price of Arbot dollars to the Israeli army. Fighting an open war with Hijbullah is costing the most, and Hezbollah now has access to many of Israel’s most sensitive satellite sites.

Due to this, the Tarsin of Israel has also surrendered its shelters, and important targets such as food and factories are now the target of Hijabullah in connection Hijabullah launched several large attacks on Israel on August 11, 2024, Hijabullah. He says that he has rained ammunition on several positions of the EDF. Hizbullah said in a statement that he fired at the Marj military site at around 7:00 in the morning. But Hijabullah’s fighters attacked Israeli convoys gathering at the al-Rahab army site, and then Hijabullah fired rockets directly at an IDF position at the Barkat Risha military site. Right after the attack, another group of Israeli soldiers were attacked at the Matad barracks, and about five minutes later, a Hezbollah fighter launched a major drone attack on the Al-Mulkiyya military site.

 In this attack, Hezbollah claimed to have blown up the IDF’s spying equipment. Several rockets were also fired at the base at around 4:22 in the evening, and after this attack, Hijabullah once again fired a first-person view drone at the base. At 20 minutes, Hijabullah launched another attack on the Al-Jarda meeting point on the Israel-Lebanon border, where the Israelis were also gathering.

Let me tell you that before these attacks, the Israeli army gave a big shock to Hajj Gullah. In fact, the IDF had killed three major fighters in its airstrikes. After that, Ali Samir Hajjaji from the town of Hadata was also killed by the IDF and after that, Hussain Gudban in the city of Beit Leif in Lebanon was also killed by the Israeli army. There was a bombardment of the naval areas of Yatir, a video of which has also gone viral on social media. Regarding this attack, Lebanon’s New Agency al-Mayadeen says that five people from Azraeli Mall were injured in this attack. Recently, the American News agency CNN summarized seventy

It was reported that Lebanon’s Hizbullah was preparing to attack Israel alone to avenge the death of Hamas Neta Ismail Haniyeh and Hijbullah’s top commander Fawad Shakur. Although no information was revealed about how and when the attack will take place, seeing the conditions that have become at the Lebanon border now, it seems that the Hajj Gullah The fire of revenge has started raining on Israel and now Hajj Gula has descended in this episode

In Lebanon, after explosions in walkie-talkies and solar systems after pagers, 20 people were killed, and hundreds were injured, Israel’s threat to attack Hezbollah in new ways, the Israeli army announced the transfer of 10 to 2000 soldiers from the food belt to the northern border with Lebanon. Barbara says that they are moving forward step by step and declared an open war at every stage. Hassan Nasrallah Champ, the head of Hezbollah, will speak. 

The Israeli intelligence officer who made the pagers provided was before the Taiwanese company that made the pager and said that the pagers were made by a Hungarian company. The Lebanese Ministry of Communications says that the remaining two-way sets that exploded were old Japanese models, according to the Japanese company Anwaki Talks. The preparation and implementation of Lebanon have been closed for the last 10 years.

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South Dublin creche worker accused of hitting toddler as colleague ‘laughed and joked’


Children being “dragged” and “thrown on to beds” and a child being hit on the head with a plastic bowl as a team leader “laughed and joked” about it are among further allegations of serious abuse of toddlers at a south Dublin creche.

In a letter from Tusla to the childcare centre’s board chairman, it is also claimed the creche manager witnessed instances of verbal abuse of toddlers but “did not intervene”.

The community childcare service, which has charitable status, is at the centre of separate investigations by the Garda and Tusla. Four staff have been suspended – two for allegedly verbally, emotionally and physically abusing up to six children aged between two and three; and two, including the one who reported the alleged abuse to management and Tusla, for allegedly failing to report the abuse promptly.

The centre, which provides baby, toddler and preschool care, remains open while gardaí and Tusla continue their investigations.

A member of staff first brought their concerns to management in mid-March about two other workers.

These related to alleged slapping of children’s heads; hitting children’s legs; forcing children roughly into high-chairs, force-feeding a child with sensory issues until they vomited; repeatedly calling one child “fatty”; wiping children’s noses forcefully to the point they fell backwards and hurt their heads; getting children to call other children “arsehole”; speaking in disparaging terms about parents in front of their children; and being generally “cold” with the children.

When no action was taken, the staff members made an anonymous report to Tusla.

In a letter dated March 28th, 2024, Tusla’s early years registration office told the creche’s chairman it received “concerns” on March 25th. These were that: “Members of staff in the wobbler room and baby room are calling children names. This mainly occurs in the wobbler room. The manager and team leader were present and did not intervene. A child was called ‘fatty’.

“A staff member in the wobbler room hit a child’s head with a plastic bowl. The team leader saw this and laughed and joked about it.

“Children in the wobbler room are being dragged, lifted up by their arms and thrown on to the beds.

“A child was very distressed whilst handled roughly by a staff member in the wobbler room. This child was pulled to get them changed.

“Staff used bad language and spoke about adult topics in front of children that are not age appropriate.

“Staff members in the wobbler room were talking about a child’s parents who consumes drugs. The child was told they ‘will end up just like’ their parents while other children were present.”

The letter said the concerns had been “reviewed” by Tusla and “the information needs to be considered by you the registered provider” and responded to.

South Dublin creche staff accused of hitting, force-feeding and being ‘cold’ to childrenOpens in new window ]

Parents of some of the allegedly abused toddlers were not told of the allegations until a month after this letter, while staff against whom the allegations were made remained working with toddlers and babies for a number of weeks.

One mother, who asked not to be named, said on Thursday she remained “devastated” by what has happened.

“From the day we found out, there has been a pain in my heart. I still feel huge guilt – how did I not know? How did I not notice? I was handing my poor child over to this person and they looked me in the eye and said my child would be safe. I still can’t eat, can’t sleep properly.

“Nothing has been offered to us by way of support. I asked Tusla for play therapy for my child and [was offered] nothing.”

The mother is seeking legal advice. She said her child was in a new childcare centre and was “smiling and happy – a new child”.

Tusla and the childcare centre were contacted for a response.

Gardaí said they were “conducting an investigation relating to a business operating in south Dublin. Gardaí are liaising with other State agencies as part of this investigation. Due to the sensitive nature of this investigation, this office is not in a position to provide further details”.

The chairman of the creche said he was not in a position to comment at present.

Tusla said it was constrained from publicly commenting on the matter.

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New Video: Shenseea – ‘Dating Szn (Options)’


Shenseea may have given ‘Never Gets Late Here‘ cuts ‘Hit & Run,’ ‘Die For You,’ ‘Flava,’ ‘Work Me Out,’ and ‘Neva Neva’ the video treatment, but with new song ‘Dating Szn‘ the Jamaican hitmaker is still giving her fans options.

Bolstered by a prominent sample of TLC‘s 1999 classic ‘No Scrubs,’ Shenseea’s latest sees her croon lyrics about not being tied down and keeping her lines open.

“Me a date two people at the same time /  Just weighing my options /  Playing two sides of the same coin / Might end up inna some problems / But A nuh cheat me a cheat just a date by law,” she sing-raps on the sizzling new cut.

Just in time for cuffing season, ‘Dating’ sees its arrival accompanied by a Sam Brave and Chris Moreno-directed music video.

Hop inside to see the action.

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Stream: Future’s ‘Mixtape Pluto’ Album


Having already scored two Billboard 200 chart-toppers earlier this year with the Metro Boomin-assisted ‘We Don’t Trust You’ and ‘We Still Don’t Trust You,’ hitmaking rapper Future is looking to go three-for-three with his newest release ‘Mixtape Pluto.’

His first solo body of work this year, the long-teased project – the follow-up to 2022’s chart-topping ‘I Never Liked You‘ – comes as the GRAMMY winner’s 10th studio album and is a 17-track affair delivered courtesy of Epic Records.

Stream the effort inside via Apple Music and Spotify.


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I'm getting married and it's killing my sex drive


Austin doesn’t feel like he gets enough space from his partner on occasion (Picture: Getty)

Welcome to How I Do It, the series in which we give you a seven-day sneak peek into the sex life of a stranger.

This week we hear from Austin*, a 39-year-old freelancer from Cardiff, who’s in a long-distance relationship with his girlfriend Laura*.

Laura is from Tennessee, and is currently applying for a visa to move to the UK to be nearer to Austin. The pair have only been together since February 2024, but plan to get married within the next six months, to make it easier for her to secure a visa and move.

When they’re together, they have sex at least three times a week. Austin says: ‘When we do finally get to see each other, I get amazing sex with a woman who is always ready for me,’ he says. ‘However, I do find myself losing a bit of interest as I get older, particularly when anxious, irritable or depressed.

‘These are moods I have to juggle a lot recently, especially as visa talk dominates conversation.’

Austin says immigration and legal issues has put their relationship on ‘fast-forward’ and kills the mood somewhat. He’d like his sex life to be a little more care free.

‘I can get in my own head about things sometimes, such as ‘Are we doing it enough?’ or ‘Am I enjoying it enough?’,’ he explains.

‘I also find my regular low moods make me occasionally lose interest in sex and intimacy, which makes me feel guilty when my girlfriend is always up for it.’

So, without further ado, here’s how Austin got on this week…

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The following sex diary is, as you might imagine, not safe for work.


It’s our final day in Italy. Laura and I hadn’t seen each other for a full month, but we met in Florence, Italy, for a week away.

After a month of celibacy, our reunion was abundant in sex – something we both needed. Sure, we’d had a few virtual sessions over WhatsApp, but masturbating towards a smartphone camera never feels the same.

Plus, I am constantly worried that I may accidentally add someone else to the call (‘Oh… hey uncle Steve, long time no speak…’).

With Florence in close to 40° heat, we spend late morning in our airconditioned hotel room before heading for a luxury spa afternoon. Before our lunchtime siesta, Laura asks, in her soothing southern accent, ‘Can I suck your d*ck?’.

She’s very forward, and I like that. Not one to reject such an inviting offer, I oblige. However, literally seconds before my orgasm, she stops and says, ‘You look bored’.

I assure her I’m not – I’m just a little fatigued from the heat, but otherwise enjoying it. Clearly sceptical, she jumps on top of me for a ride instead. I spend the next ten minutes trying to look anything but bored.

After an orgasm for me and three for her, I can reflect. The truth is that I feel a little disconnected at the moment. While marriage is a nice idea, and I do love Laura, it feels like things are moving too fast. We’ve only been seeing each other for seven months.

On top of that, most of our long-distance conversations were about visas, lawyers, finance, housing and passports. It’s all felt a bit clinical and a lot of the initial magic has gone for me.

I explain this to her and she understands, making a point not to discuss immigration stuff for a while.


It’s a bad day. Suitcases packed, we leave Florence at 7am and don’t arrive back in Cardiff until almost 6pm; yesterday’s relaxing spa afternoon is a distant memory.

It shouldn’t take nearly 11 hours to get from Italy to Wales but, thanks to flight delays and M4 roadworks, it does.

On top of that, we have to have a tense chat with a Border Force officer as we enter the UK. Laura is doing nothing wrong coming back to the UK for a few months, but with so many questions it all feels edgy and further added to my low mood.

We arrive at my house tired and miserable. Laura is staying with me for a few days until she moves into rental accommodation – even though she hasn’t actually sorted a place to stay yet.

This means that after a long day, I don’t get the space I need to decompress. Instead, she starts talking about visa issues again and I snap, telling her to ‘shut up’, which I instantly feel awful for.

We don’t really argue, so this outburst is our warning that we each need some urgent alone time. I chill in the spare room to eat dinner and she leaves the house for a walk.

This does us good. When she returns, we hug and chat. However, neither of us feel very awake or sexy, so we collapse into bed and are out cold for eight hours.


I wake in a much brighter mood and we’re both playful throughout the morning. We hug and kiss after a quick bite to eat in bed, but I have tons of work to catch up on, so I’m at my desk by 7am.

Anticipating a busy day, I make my morning filter coffee way too strong, which sparks a hyperactive mood. Laura has the day off, so she’s mooching around the house while I work.

This means that I can take little breaks to spend time with her. At one stage I decide to see how long I can tap her leg for before she tells me to stop (26 seconds in the end).

She says: ‘Jeez, someone is energetic today… do you want to go upstairs and f**k it out of your system?’. I laugh but decline and carry on working.

In the evening, my mood shifts from playful to depressed. We have to have yet another chat about her housing situation and some complications surrounding that.

On the face of it, it’s not something that should matter, but it feels like all we are doing is talking about this kind of thing and it triggers me. We moodily watch TV and, while she does cuddle up and plaster me with kisses, I can’t muster any enthusiasm to take it further.


I wake early and did a much-needed workout after a week off. I still feel quite low, but I open up to Laura about my current feelings. She says she’s in the same place and produces an envelope.

In it, there’s a card listing all the reasons why we are doing this work – we have fun together, we understand each other, we are good communicators, and we love each other through good and bad.

She’s completely right, and after a little cuddling, I am suddenly in the mood for some indoor Olympics. She reads my face and says: ‘Fancy a quickie?’. I’d love to, but I have work to do, so I strategically hide my erection and we go our separate ways for the day.

With the air clear, things are more playful again through the day. This means random kisses, bum slaps and cuddles as we take work breaks. However, it isn’t until the evening that we finally made this count.

I go out for a quiet drink with a friend and when I return, Laura answers the door in her underwear. Not only is she clearly in the mood, but she has cleaned the house.

Nothing is sexier to me than a freshly hoovered floor and dusted surfaces. Let the romance commence.

She rips my clothes off and rides me on the sofa, before I carry her upstairs to continue in bed. The sex is very heated, and afterwards, as we relax and prepare for bed, I decide to stick my hand back down her underwear.

To my surprise, she’s still raring to go and I’m still surprisingly horny. This leads to another 20 minutes of sex on the floor – and more orgasms for her.


After last night’s epic stress relief, we both sleep very well and wake up to do our own thing. When I return to the house after a trip to the shops, it’s empty.

I go for a nap but decide to treat myself to some solo masturbation. In the evening, we go for a date and some drinks before returning home. After my solo session, I’m not in the mood for any sex, but the evening is very nice.

Still, I feel things will be much better when Laura moves into her own place for a while. We’ve only been together for a few months, and over the last week or so, I’ve realised I’m still not quite ready to give up my own space.


This morning, we go to view a student house that Laura is potentially going to move into. It’s not terrible, but compared to my clean, comfortable and calming house, it’s a little grim.

The look on her face as we leave the viewing was one of mild panic and sadness, so, I decide that Laura will stay with me. I tell her we can make it work.

As we return to the house, I take a seat on the sofa – before I know it, Laura is pulling my trousers and gives me a blow job on the sofa.

After a few minutes I tell her that if she wants sex we should probably go upstairs before I finish, but she refuses to move. I come there and then. No sex, but we both seem happy with the result.

After a relaxing evening, we are both feeling frisky and sex is on the cards. However, as we get into bed, she brings up some visa issues and the moment passes.


Laura wakes with stomach cramps and a very vocal desire to kill someone – then mentions that her period has begun.

We share passionate kisses all day, but sex is off the cards for a few days. I’m pretty exhausted, so it suits me. By next week I’m sure I’ll be refreshed and ready to go again.

For now, I can focus on finding the space I need to ensure this relationship lasts while she stays here permanently.

Do you have a story to share?

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Sean 'Diddy' Combs 'placed on suicide watch' as he awaits trial in prison


Sean ‘Diddy’ Combs – also known as Puff Daddy and P Diddy – has reportedly been placed on suicide watch as he awaits trial in a Brooklyn prison after being denied bail

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Kentucky sheriff held over fatal shooting of judge in court


A Kentucky sheriff has been arrested after fatally shooting a judge in his chambers, police say.

District Judge Kevin Mullins died at the scene after being shot multiple times in the Letcher County Courthouse, Kentucky State Police said.

Letcher County Sheriff Shawn Stines, 43, has been charged with one count of first-degree murder.

The shooting happened on Thursday after an argument inside the court, police said, but they have not yet revealed a motive.

Officials said Mullins, 54, was shot multiple times at around 14:00 local time on Thursday at the court in Whitesburg, Kentucky, a small rural town about 150 miles (240km) south-east of Lexington.

Sheriff Stines was arrested at the scene without incident, Kentucky State Police said. They did not reveal the nature of the argument before the shooting.

According to local newspaper the Mountain Eagle, Sheriff Stines walked into the judge’s outer office and told court employees that he needed to speak alone with Mullins.

The two entered the judge’s chambers, closing the door behind them. Those outside heard gun shots, the newspaper reported.

Sheriff Stines reportedly walked out with his hands up and surrendered to police. He was handcuffed in the courthouse foyer.

The state attorney general, Russell Coleman, said in a post on X, formerly Twitter, that his office “will fully investigate and pursue justice”.

Kentucky State Police spokesman Matt Gayheart told a news conference that the town was shocked by the incident

“This community is small in nature, and we’re all shook,” he said.

Mr Gayheart said that 50 employees were inside the court building when the shooting occurred.

No-one else was hurt. A school in the area was briefly placed on lockdown.

Kentucky Supreme Court Chief Justice Laurance B VanMeter said he was “shocked by this act of violence”.

Announcing Judge Mullins’ death on social media, Kentucky Governor Andy Beshear said: “There is far too much violence in this world, and I pray there is a path to a better tomorrow.”

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