Sunday, September 8, 2024
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Honest John


‘allo John got a new …..loada shite to serve to the dumb-fucks ?

@ Gravelli P – ” Such men do not lead nations to independence.

Guess that’s why he was appointed. ” . Exactly why he was appointed .

Just as Sturgeon’s tenure was a 9 year ” holding operation ” , ie holding the Independence Movement / movement towards Independence on a leash while more obstacles were put in place & Yousaf’s was a ” how can we fuck-up Scotland ( even more ) operation ” ; the Undertaker is there to make the funeral arrangements of the SNP as the main vehicle to Independence it – formerly – was .

The High Priests/Priestesses of * Trans Cult * will administer the Last Rites .

Anyone still think all this is ” accidental ” ?

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Keir Starmer Dublin visit 'marks new era of friendship'


PA Sir Kier is standing in front of a marble background. His suit is black, and is shirt is blue. His tie is spotty.PA

The prime minister plans to meet Irish business leaders to encourage enhanced bilateral trade and investment

Sir Keir Starmer will become the first British prime minister to visit the Republic of Ireland in five years on Saturday.

Downing Street says it marks a “new era of co-operation and friendship” between Britain and Ireland.

The prime minister will meet Taoiseach (Irish Prime Minister) Simon Harris, who was elected in April just three months before his British counterpart – both are new to their roles.

Their full day of engagements in the Irish capital will be topped off with the Republic of Ireland v England soccer game at the Aviva Stadium in Dublin.

‘Our relationship has never reached its full potential’

Sir Keir and Mr Harris met in Chequers in mid-July after Labour’s general election victory.

They discussed a reset of relations between the two countries and divisions over the UK Legacy Act, and they were photographed having a pint of Guinness.

The taoiseach was the first international leader hosted by Sir Keir after coming to power, a fact said to demonstrate the prime minister’s personal commitment to a strong UK-Ireland relationship.

After the July meeting Sir Keir said it was “time to move on to the next chapter for stronger and deeper ties between both countries”.

The taoiseach said both he and the British prime minister “want to see our teams intensively working on areas of mutual concern and benefit and, being truthful, that hasn’t been happening in the way, manner or frequency which it would have in the past and which it must be in the future”.

bbc two men in shirts and ties raising full pint glasses of Guinness in the direction of the camera. They are sitting in wicker chairs with roses and trees in the background, and are on either side of a round wooden tablebbc

In July at Chequers, the taoiseach and the prime minister posed with pints of Guinness

Saturday’s visit comes after the prime minister’s visit to Berlin and Paris last week to continue the UK’s reset with its key European partners.

Speaking ahead of it Sir Keir said: “The UK and Ireland share the strongest of ties through our close geography, shared culture and the friendships of our people.

“Our relationship has never reached its full potential, but I want to change that.

“We have a clear opportunity to go further and faster to make sure our partnership is fully delivering on behalf of the British and Irish people – driving growth and prosperity in both our countries.

“The taoiseach and I are in lockstep about our future, and we look forward to deepening our collaboration further.”

The prime minister and the taoiseach will also meet Irish business leaders to encourage enhanced bilateral trade and investment in pursuit of growth.

The last British prime ministerial visit to the Republic of Ireland was by Boris Johnson, in September 2019.

In recent times, under the Conservative government, relations between the UK and Ireland were said to be at their lowest ebb in decades because of differences over Brexit.

Ireland also launched an international legal case against Britain over the Legacy Act which Sir Keir has now promised to repeal.

Reuters A grey-haired man in thick-rimmed dark glasses looking into the centre of the frame. The background is a deep blue wallReuters

Sir Keir will be the first British PM to visit Ireland since Boris Johnson


This visit, with its sporting conclusion, takes political football to a new level.

And as the cliché goes it really is a game of two halves.

Under Leo Varadkar and Boris Johnson relations between the two countries reminded some of that famous commentary line “they think it’s all over – it is now”.

Then Sir Keir Starmer walks onto the pitch and it seems to be a whole new ball game.

On both the main issues the two countries have clashed over in recent times the Labour administration coming to power may herald a new beginning.

Certainly the mood music is much better.

The last time the England soccer team played in Dublin the “friendly” had to be abandoned after visiting fans rioted.

That was 1995. This is 2024.

A much different result is expected 29 years on, whichever side wins the football.

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Croke Villas saga nears end after decades of delays


One of Dublin city’s most contentious and protracted housing regeneration projects is finally close to resolution with the publication of plans for the redevelopment of Croke Villas in Ballybough.

The 1960s flat complex, situated beside Croke Park, was designated for demolition and reconstruction in the late 1990s, but fell foul of failed public-private partnership (PPP) deals, judicial review proceedings and disputes over the development of a handball alley.

Dublin City Council now plans to build a social housing complex on the site comprising 52 one and two-bed apartments. The plans are available for public consultation until September 18th, after which they will be presented to city councillors for formal approval.

The complex of 79 flats, on Sackville Avenue off Ballybough Road, was officially opened by Princess Grace and Prince Rainier of Monaco in 1961, but had become overcrowded and neglected within just two decades.

In the early 2000s the council proposed a regeneration programme and in 2005 decided to utilise a PPP model, where private development on part of the site would be used to offset the cost of building social housing.

A detenanting programme got under way in 2006 and Bennett Developments was chosen as the preferred bidder for the project. In December 2008, with about half the flats empty, the deal collapsed, with the council saying it had been unable to conclude negotiations with the developer due to the “prevailing economic climate and global credit crunch”.

Several other PPP social housing regeneration schemes, including at O’Devaney Gardens and St Michael’s Estate, were abandoned for similar reasons earlier in 2008.

In late 2010 the council determined it was “extremely unlikely that Croke Villas will be redeveloped in the foreseeable future”. However, in 2012 renewed hope came with the GAA offering to buy part of the site to develop a new “processional entrance” to Croke Park and a new handball centre, with the proceeds used to part-fund new homes.

A €6.4 million deal was reached in early 2015, but it required sign-off from then minister for housing Alan Kelly, who had in December 2014 put forward a plan to use the empty flats for homeless accommodation. Councillors opposed Mr Kelly’s plan and he eventually approved the deal in October 2015.

The plans became mired in a dispute between the GAA and the local handball community over the new sports facility. This was eventually resolved in September 2016 following a mediation process chaired by former taoiseach Bertie Ahern.

Plans were drawn up for 61 social homes, expected to cost about €24 million, and these were approved by councillors in December 2017 following public consultation.

However, in 2018 a legal challenge was mounted by four local residents who claimed the council had not properly assessed planning and traffic issues. These largely related to the new route to the stadium, which was part of the project, rather than the regeneration of Croke Villas.

The judicial review proceedings were determined in the council’s favour in July 2020, paving the way for the new homes.

The council decided to nominate Croke Villas for inclusion in the Government’s PPP housing programme and this was approved by the Minister for Housing in July 2022. However, by that time, a new city development plan had come into force and it was decided a new planning application was required.

While the latest plans are broadly similar, the scheme now available for public consultation omits basement car parking and changes building alignments to allow for some on-street parking.

The council said the cost of the development would be subject to a procurement process. Construction is expected to start in early 2026 and be completed before the end of 2027.

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Alan Dershowitz Leaves Democratic Party: Disgusted by DNC, A Turning Point in U.S. Politics


Alan Dershowitz, a prominent constitutional lawyer and Harvard Law professor, has long been recognized as a major figure in U.S. legal and political commentary. His unexpected departure from the Democratic Party, citing deep concerns over its current leadership and values, marks a seismic shift in the political landscape. In this article, we will examine the implications of Dershowitz’s decision, his critiques of the Democratic National Committee (DNC), and what it signals for the broader political dynamics in America.

Who is Alan Dershowitz?

Alan Dershowitz has been a key figure in American law and politics for decades. Known for his defense in high-profile cases, including those of O.J. Simpson, Jeffrey Epstein, and Julian Assange, Dershowitz has a storied career. Despite his personal politics, which have often leaned liberal, his legal approach has frequently crossed partisan lines. Over the years, he has defended the principle of free speech and the rights of the accused, making him a somewhat controversial figure in both liberal and conservative circles.

For many years, Dershowitz was a loyal supporter of the Democratic Party. His progressive stance on civil liberties, combined with his defense of Israel, made him a unique voice within the party. However, recent developments have forced him to reconsider his political affiliation.

Why Did Alan Dershowitz Leave the Democratic Party?

Alan Dershowitz’s decision to leave the Democratic Party did not come lightly. According to Dershowitz, the key moment was his growing disillusionment with the party’s leadership and its shift towards extreme left-wing politics. He cited the Democratic National Committee’s (DNC) increasing tolerance for anti-Israel rhetoric and the influence of far-left members as a significant reason behind his exit.

“I was disgusted,” Dershowitz said, reflecting on his frustrations with the party’s direction. He pointed to instances where the DNC failed to distance itself from individuals and movements that espoused anti-Semitic views. This was a critical issue for Dershowitz, especially as a staunch defender of Israel.

Furthermore, Dershowitz expressed concerns about the Democratic Party’s approach to free speech. He criticized the DNC for what he viewed as an erosion of First Amendment protections, particularly on college campuses and in the broader public sphere. In his view, the Democratic Party had become increasingly intolerant of dissenting voices, both inside and outside the party.

Dershowitz’s Criticism of the DNC: Key Points

1. Shift to the Far Left

One of Dershowitz’s primary grievances with the DNC is its shift to the far-left wing of American politics. Over the years, the Democratic Party has seen a growing influence of progressives like Alexandria Ocasio-Cortez and Bernie Sanders. While these figures advocate for social and economic reforms, Dershowitz believes that their policies represent a departure from the values that once defined the Democratic Party.

Dershowitz argues that the DNC’s willingness to embrace far-left ideas has alienated moderate Democrats and pushed the party away from its core principles. This shift, he contends, has not only weakened the party’s appeal to centrist voters but has also caused internal divisions that could prove detrimental in future elections.

2. Anti-Israel Sentiment

Another critical factor in Dershowitz’s decision to leave the party is the rising anti-Israel sentiment among certain factions within the DNC. He has been vocal about his support for Israel and has frequently criticized individuals within the party who, in his view, have been too lenient or even supportive of anti-Israel rhetoric.

Dershowitz has pointed to specific incidents, including the lack of condemnation from party leaders when members like Ilhan Omar and Rashida Tlaib made controversial statements regarding Israel. For Dershowitz, this silence signaled a dangerous shift within the Democratic Party, one that he could no longer support.

3. Concerns Over Free Speech

Dershowitz has also raised alarm over the Democratic Party’s stance on free speech. In his view, the party has increasingly embraced a culture of political correctness that stifles open debate and silences opposing views. This, he argues, is most evident on college campuses, where conservative speakers are often met with protests or even prevented from speaking.

As someone who has long defended civil liberties, Dershowitz finds this trend deeply troubling. He believes that the Democratic Party, once a bastion of free speech and open dialogue, has abandoned these values in favor of ideological purity.

The Broader Impact of Dershowitz’s Departure

Alan Dershowitz’s decision to leave the Democratic Party has broader implications for the American political landscape. As a high-profile legal scholar and longtime Democratic supporter, his exit sends a strong message about the direction of the party and its potential consequences.

A Warning for Moderate Democrats

Dershowitz’s departure should serve as a warning for moderate Democrats who feel increasingly alienated by the party’s shift to the left. His criticisms echo concerns voiced by other centrist figures, who worry that the DNC’s current trajectory may lead to electoral losses in key swing states.

In recent years, the Democratic Party has struggled to maintain a balance between its progressive and moderate wings. While figures like Joe Biden have attempted to unify the party, internal divisions remain. Dershowitz’s exit underscores the growing frustration among moderates who feel that their voices are being drowned out by the party’s more radical elements.

Potential Republican Gains

Dershowitz’s decision to leave the Democratic Party could also have political ramifications for the Republican Party. As more centrist Democrats become disillusioned with the party’s direction, there is potential for a shift in voter allegiance. While Dershowitz has not formally joined the Republican Party, his departure from the Democrats may encourage others to consider alternative political affiliations.

Republicans could capitalize on this discontent by appealing to moderate Democrats who share Dershowitz’s concerns about free speech, foreign policy, and the party’s shift to the left. In doing so, they may be able to broaden their base and attract a new wave of voters who feel alienated by the DNC.

What’s Next for Alan Dershowitz?

As of now, Alan Dershowitz has not aligned himself with any specific political party. However, his departure from the Democratic Party suggests that he may become more vocal in his criticism of the DNC and its leadership. Whether this leads to a formal endorsement of the Republican Party or a new political movement remains to be seen.

In the meantime, Dershowitz continues to write and speak on legal and political issues, offering his unique perspective on the state of American politics. His decision to leave the Democratic Party has already sparked significant debate, and it is likely that his influence will continue to shape political discourse in the years to come.

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The rise of the far-right across Europe mapped as EU sends Britain ‘warning’


A map of Europe showing countries where hard-right parties have gained prominence (Image: DATAWRAPPER)

European politics has seen a spectacular rise in the fortunes of far-right parties in recent years.

Six EU countries now have parties in government widely described by experts as hard or far-right – these include Italy, Finland, Slovakia, Hungary, Croatia and the Netherlands.

Marine Le Pen’s National Rally had victory snatched from its grasp by tactical voting in July’s parliamentary elections in France, allowing a left-wing coalition to claim the most seats but not a clear majority.

Meanwhile, national elections this year in Austria and Germany could see far-right parties make even more political gains. Elections are also to be held in Sweden in 2026, a country in which the hard-right Swedish Democrats are the second-largest party in parliament and are supporting the centre-moderate executive.

Below the Express takes a look at some of the far-right parties on the rise in Europe.

Björn Höcke smiling

Björn Höcke is the AfD’s leader in Thuringia (Image: Getty)


The AfD scored a spectacular success in state elections this month, winning the most votes in last Sunday’s vote in the eastern state of Thuringia. They polled 33.5 percent, while the centre-right party the CDU came second.

Björn Höcke, the AfD’s leader in Thuringia, demanded his party’s inclusion in the next regional government.

He told reporters: “Whoever wants stability in Thuringia has to integrate the AfD.”

Höcke is a controversial figure, who has argued that Germany should stop being ashamed about its past and that there should be no memorial to the holocaust in Berlin.

German sociologist Andreas Kemper also alleged that a series of articles written more than a decade ago look very much as if they were written by Höcke, despite being published under another name. These articles argued, among other things, that World War I and World War II were started by foreign powers jealous of German “industry”.

Germany holds national elections next year and with its increasing popularity in some of the eastern states in the country, the AfD may yet pull off another shock.


Herbert Kickl is the leader of Austria’s Freedom Party (Image: Getty)


Austria‘s far-right Freedom Party is riding high in the polls as the country heads for national elections on September 29.

Currently, it is topping opinion surveys, with 27 percent of voters saying they will back the party, according to a poll published by Politico.

The FPÖ is fighting a campaign based mainly on immigration, as it seeks to re-enter government.

One of its most effective slogans has been “Daheim statt Islam”, which translates as “Home instead of Islam”.

The party’s manifesto, entitled Fortress Austria, is promising mass expulsion of immigrants and is full of anti-Muslim rhetoric.

The Freedom Party has a track record in power, having been part of coalition governments three times previously.


Giorgia Meloni is the leader of the Brothers of Italy party (Image: Getty)


Brothers of Italy is a national conservative and right-wing populist political party that is currently the country’s ruling party.

It became the largest party after the 2022 Italian general election. The party is led by Giorgia Meloni, the incumbent Prime Minister of Italy.

Meloni’s victory of the largest share of the votes was described in 2022 in international media including CNN as the rise of the “most far-right government” in Italy since World War II.

According to Meloni, The Brothers of Italy is a mainstream conservative party. Since she took office, the Italian Prime Minister appeared to have moved more to the centre, working for example with Brussels despite maintaining a Eurosceptic position. In the European Parliament, it sits within the ECR group, which in March kicked out its AfD MEPs.

Brothers of Italy argued for a “confederal Europe” of nations as opposed to a “federal Europe”. It is also in favour of Atlanticism and NATO, and supports the Ukrainian fight against Russia.

In a recent episode of his podcast with Rory Stewart, The Rest is Politics, Alastair Campbell said the rise of far-right parties in Europe contained clear lessons for the UK.

He warned that politicians have very little time to implement the change they want to carry out.

Mr Campbell noted how all the parties in the ruling coalition in Germany had performed badly in the state elections in Thuringia.

“What the German experience I think has shown is that people are willing to give you the time and the space to put together a coalition to try and make the changes you say you are going to make,” he said.

“But if you then don’t deliver… I think modern politicians have very,very little time.”

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Remy Ma Returns on ‘Outta Control’ / Shocks with Nonchalant Lyric About Gun Shooting Conviction


Remy Ma and Fat Joe have re-teamed for ‘Outta Control’ alongside hitmakers Cool & Dre.

A fiery anthem, the track lives up to its title. Particularly in regards to Remy, who seizes on the song to pop off about her infamous conviction.

As widely reported, the femcee served almost seven years in jail after being found guilty of assault and illegal weapon possession in 2008. She was deemed legally liable for the shooting of a friend following a dispute over money.

After a measured silence about the matter, Remy raps about it on ‘Outta Control.’ And her bars have raised eyebrows in earnest.

Full story below…

On the song (which samples Will Smith and DJ Jazzy Jeff’s ‘Summertime’), she spits:

“They say I shot my friend over a band. And? Imagine what I’ll do to a b*tch that I can’t stand.” 

Watch the video for ‘Outta Control’:

‘Outta Control’ reunites Remy and Joe, who have previously collaborated on smashes such as ‘Lean Back’ and ‘All The Way Up’ – the latter of which is housed on their joint project, ‘Plato O Plomo.

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Tänak leads in Greece as WRC title rivals suffer | EN.WHEELZ.ME


A Friday to forget for championship hopefuls Ogier and Evans.

Ott Tänak overtook a wounded Sébastien Ogier to lead EKO Acropolis Rally Greece on Friday evening, capping an eventful day that could significantly impact this year’s FIA World Rally Championship title race.

Greece’s notoriously rugged gravel roads lived up to their punishing reputation, with four of the championship’s top-five drivers encountering trouble and dropping significant time. Tänak, however, piloted his Hyundai i20 N Rally1 through the chaos unscathed, topping a commanding Hyundai 1-2-3 overnight.

Eight-time world champion Sébastien Ogier, who started this rally second in the points, was left 11.7sec clear of Tänak when M-Sport Ford’s Adrien Fourmaux retired from second due to a broken steering arm on SS4. But disaster struck Ogier late in the day when a turbocharger issue cost the Frenchman around two-and-a-half minutes and relegated him to fourth.

Ogier’s misfortune compounded a disastrous day for Toyota. Team-mate Elfyn Evans dropped nearly nine minutes earlier in the day with a similar turbo issue, while Takamoto Katsuta retired with rear suspension on SS3 damage after mis-hearing a pacenote.

Explaining the situation, Toyota technical director Tom Fowler said: “It looks like Séb has lost the boost pressure from the turbocharger. We had Elfyn’s car this morning with the same symptoms.

“It’s a huge disappointment because, clearly, it’s another rally after Finland where we have really strong performance in the car. In Finland we didn’t capitalise on that, and it looks like here, again, we’re not going to capitalise on the potential performance that both the car and the drivers have.”

In stark contrast, Hyundai celebrated as Tänak led i20 N Rally1 colleagues Dani Sordo and Thierry Neuville by 21.8 and 45.2sec respectively. As it stands, the Korean marque is poised to extend its advantage in the manufacturers’ championship.

“We’ve got to be thankful for a trouble-free day. It’s been tough with the heat and the rough conditions,” said Tänak, who currently sits third in the drivers’ standings. “It’s been a great day for Hyundai, but we all know there’s more to come.”

Sordo, making his first appearance since Rally Italia Sardegna in June, faced challenges of his own, managing a faulty hybrid unit throughout much of the afternoon. Championship leader Neuville also encountered issues, nursing an engine problem in the morning that left his car running on reduced power, but crucially headed Ogier by 1min 41.2sec overnight.

Elsewhere, M-Sport Ford’s Grégoire Munster was forced to stop for a wheel change on SS6, allowing WRC2 frontrunners Robert Virves and Sami Pajari to climb to fifth and sixth overall. The pair also moved ahead of Yohan Rossel, who had dominated the WRC2 category in the morning before losing time due to a puncture.

Munster ended the day seventh with Kajetan Kajetanowicz, Nikolay Gryazin and Rossel rounding out the top 10.

Saturday’s leg promises more challenges, with six stages covering 116.23km on the unforgiving roads south of Lamia.

Friday classification:
1. O Tänak / M Järveoja EST Hyundai i20 N 1h 40m 16.9s
2. D Sordo / C Carrera ESP Hyundai i20 N +21.8s
3. T Neuville / M Wydaeghe BEL Hyundai i20 N +45.2s
4. S Ogier / V Landais FRA Toyota GR Yaris +2m 26.4s
5. R Virves / A Lesk EST Škoda Fabia RS Rally2 +3m 10.9s
6. S Pajari / E Mälkönen FIN Toyota GR Yaris Rally2 +3m 12.4s

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Flood kills 20, displaces 2,000 in Yobe LG


Twenty persons have died as a result of devastating floods that ravaged Bade Local Government Area of Yobe since early August, its Chairman, Alhaji Babagana Ibrahim, has said.

Ibrahim told the News Agency of Nigeria (NAN), on Friday in Gashua that most of the deceased were people trapped under the debris of collapsed mud houses.

Ibrahim said that the flood destroyed more than 10,000 houses and farmlands across 200 communities.

The chairman listed villages worst hit by the disaster to include Misilli, Lawan Musa, Dagona, Dala, Katuzu and Sabongarin Gashua.

He said that 2,000 persons displaced by the flood were taking shelter in three camps in Gashua.

He listed the camps as Goodluck, Zango 2 and Babuje.

Ibrahim said the council, despite its meager resources, had been feeding the displaced persons since they came to the camps.

He said that Sen. Ahmed Lawa, former Senate President, recently donated N10 million to the victims, while the state was already distributing non-food items to the victims.

He urged the federal government to come to the aid of the flood victims whose population was increasing by the day.

“The magnitude of this disaster is so enormous and Bade has no capacity to manage it.

“That is why I am appealing to the federal government, through the National Emergency Management Agency (NEMA), to come to our aid as the number of displaced persons continues to rise,” he said.

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Jack Draper: British No 1 falls to Jannik Sinner in brutal US Open semi-final encounter

Jack Draper saw his hopes of reaching his maiden Grand Slam final come to an end at the hands of world No 1 Jannik Sinner with the young British star sick on court three times in a brutal US Open semi-final encounter.

With both players feeling the heat under intense conditions on Arthur Ashe Stadium, it was British No 1 Draper who had nothing left in the tank by the end of a match lasting a little over three hours as he went down to a 7-5 7-6 (7-3) 6-2 defeat to Sinner in a survival of the fittest.

Draper, 22, left everything out on court, as the physical exertion took its toll and he vomited a number of times.

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Draper and Sinner both received treatment from their physios as they were pushed to their limits during a brutal semi-final

“Me and Jack know each other very well. We are great friends off the court,” said Sinner after his win.

“It was a very physical match. I tried to stay there mentally. He is so tough to beat.

“It was a very special occasion. Thank you everyone for coming out. The support has been amazing and I’m happy to be in the final.”

Draper had reached the last four without dropping a set but ran into the best player in the world, and, although he went toe-to-toe for the majority of the contest, he came up short.

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Draper vomited on court during a draining semi-final encounter

After an exchange of breaks, Draper was two points away from winning the first set when he took Sinner’s serve to deuce at 5-4, but it went wrong from there.

Sinner broke to 5-5 and then served it out to take the opening set and end Draper’s 15-set winning streak.

It felt important for Draper to have won that first set and he came under pressure early in the second, with Sinner’s almost impenetrable defence forcing four break points, all of which were saved.

The brutal physical nature of the match took its toll and Draper was sick on court.

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Draper pulled off this superb backhand drop volley…

There was also a fitness concern for Sinner, who needed a medical timeout for treatment after falling on his left wrist during an epic point.

The injury did not seem to affect him, though, and he raised his game brilliantly in a second-set tie-break to take full control.

Draper bizarrely asked for a can of coke during the third set, but it was just a taste of defeat for him as Sinner ran away with it.

Sinner is now the overwhelming favourite to claim a second Grand Slam title when he meets either Taylor Fritz or Frances Tiafoe in the final on Sunday night.

What’s coming up on Sky Sports Tennis in September?

  • Jasmin Open, Tunisia – WTA 250 (9-15 September)
  • Guadalajara Open, Mexico – WTA 500 (9-15 September)
  • Korea Open – WTA 500 (16 -22 September – with Emma Raducanu in action)
  • Thailand Open – WTA 250 (16 -22 September)

Sky Sports+ has officially launched and will be integrated into Sky TV, streaming service NOW and the Sky Sports app, giving Sky Sports customers access to over 50 per cent more live sport this year at no extra cost. Find out more here.

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Sam Noakes retains European lightweight title with stoppage win against Gianluca Ceglia | Boxing News

SAM NOAKES retained his European lightweight title after opponent Gianluca Ceglia pulled out after eight completed rounds.

The Italian didn’t throw many shots and offered zero threat to the Maidstone fighter who moves to 15-0 with 14 wins inside the distance.

Noakes’ first defence at York Hall was a one-sided affair with the champion moving forward throughout picking shots to head and body but it never looked as though he had his mandatory challenger hurt. Ceglia on the other hand was content to tuck up and absorb whatever came his way and offer some cameo bursts of shots which reminded you he was a fighter.

A clubbing right from Noakes in round six shifted the veteran but he didn’t capitalise on the small opening.

The 27-year-old champion was winning every minute of every round and as the rounds racked up the effort from Ceglia lessened. With the 34-year-old’s face beginning to mark-up the end was nigh and at the end of round eight he spoke with his trainer Gaetano Nesparo indicating there was a problem with the right side of his face. That was then reported to referee Fabian Guggenheim and who called the fight off a few moments later.

“His experience showed,” Noakes said of his opponent afterwards.

“He was a tougher fighter than I thought he would be. But even when I was throwing jabs he didn’t really have an answer. It was a good learning fight. Everybody’s talking about these big fighters but I’ve still only had 15 fights. I’ve still got a lot to learn and fights like this are really going to bring me on.”

Trainer Alan Smith commented, “It’s another step closer to the world title and he’s learning every time.”

Meanwhile, Noakes’ manager Francis Warren said, “Obviously, there’s names we’d like to chase after but he’s in a great position. The opportunities will present themselves. Denys Berinchyk holds that [WBO] world title and that seems the natural route to take as and when it presents itself. We’re in no rush.”

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