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HomeMusicQ & A with LA-based DJ and producer Jessica Skye - PLAYY.

Q & A with LA-based DJ and producer Jessica Skye – PLAYY.

We sat down with Jessica Skye to talk about her upcoming album release and how the wellness and music realms intersect in her approach to music and fitness. Bridging the gap between electronic music and wellness, LA-based DJ and producer Jessica Skye is set to release her second album, Fluō State 002, on 10th May 2024 via Platoon. Released on the 8th March 2024 to celebrate International Women’s Day, Mindgames, the second single from the album follows on from initial single Enter Nyx, which hit number three on Beatport’s Top 100 Organic House/Downtempo chart. The dynamic yet deeply soothing album moves seamlessly between ambient soundscapes, downtempo electronica and organic-inspired, groove-led dance tracks, acting as a guide for music lovers, wellness devotees and yogis alike to find their own unique “sense of flow”.


Listen to Jessica’s second single and read our interview with her below…

Set the tone for us. Why the arts?

I love creating things, and through a very varied career (everything from hospitality, nightlife, advertising, action sports and for the last 12 years in wellness and the music space), I’ve realized the thing I love the most is creating experiences and holding a space for people. Whether that’s a yoga flow, a DJ set, hosting an event or taking you on a journey with curated mixes, playlists and of course releasing records, not to mention all the creative planning and visual elements that go with it. 


What gets your creative juices flowing?

Solving a problem. Or at least, trying to create something that serves a purpose. I usually start with a structured approach with a brief/ spec of what I’m trying to solve or do, then all the fun creative detail starts to flow. This is how ‘Fluō State came into existence. 


Who are your biggest influences?

Unsure. There’s so many people out there doing awesome things. I try not to copy or follow, and avoid sourcing inspiration from just one place. I like trying to carve out my own path based on what I like, and also what people aren’t doing.


What techniques do you experiment with to get your original sound?

I think I’ve only recently found a pattern to my work flow. It’s come by finding the plug-ins, packs and hardware I like using the most. Along with gradually building my own library of sounds and pre-sets so I’m consistent with my output in regards to sound identity. Play is the greatest form of research, so I’m constantly investing the time to search and source music and sounds. Once I’m rolling, I’d say my technique is to be super organized with my workflow. Making sure to create folders, and save things I like or that give me inspiration as I go. 


Tell us about the inspiration and creation of Fluō State 002?

Fluō State as a series is my way to bridge the gap between everything I do across wellness and music. Post Covid, I’ve taken a long break from DJing. So when it came to getting back in the music studio I was a lot more inspired to make more melodic downtempo house tunes, as well as ambient records to support a wellness practice. Taking a wellness approach to electronic music has also given me a vehicle to learn and deepen my knowledge of sound design not to mention act as a North Star as the music is really purposeful and intentional in regards to sound and arrangement.

I approached it by creating a body of work that I’d play in a yoga flow. Arranging the album to follow the arc of energy in a yoga class. 


Take us through a day in the recording studio.  

When me and my husband moved from London to LA in Feb 2020, we had no idea what was ahead of us.

Just before we closed our front door as we were leaving for airport, I grabbed an old Akai MPK Mini we’ve had for ages and packed it in my hand luggage. 

It was this small piece of equipment and my laptop, while sat in my LA home (at the dining table) that saw the beginnings of this project… And that’s pretty much how I start every record. 

Platoon have a really amazing studio space in Larchmont which I’ll visit to, and listen to everything properly, making any final tweaks before sending off to get mastered. 


What’s on your current favourite playlist?

At the moment I’ve gone super chill, and actually loving bands. Khrungabin, The Cannons and Jungle are my go-to feels these days.


Tell us about the chemistry you have with your fans on stage.

Both DJing and teaching yoga are so similar in the sense that you’re literally holding a space for people. There’s a huge energy exchange and when it’s really good, you can feel the electricity in the air. It’s one of my favorite parts of the job(s). 


How have you refined your craft since you entered the industry?

Since starting DJing in 2012, my sound has flexed and changed over the years, but kind of gone full circle. 2011 was such an inspiring time for me, the music scene was bubbling in London and it was the first time I’d visited Berlin (which changed everything). 

I loved melodic deep house and techno, but as a DJ, I seemed to be booking lounge sets, so I had to pivot to disco, 90s house as well as more downtempo house music. Which was an amazing education and where I really learned about the history of electronic music and also how to warm up the dance floor. 

After taking a break from the clubs, I’ve gone back to more melodic house and techno, full circle. But I also really love more organic and Afro influences, there’s so much more rhythm and movement in the drums and percussion. 


Breakdown the news for us: what can we expect from you this year?  

I’m ready to return to the clubs, so expect more club releases. I also want to be doing more to help support my peers in the music and creative world with their wellness practices. I’m working on a few ideas… So more soon on that 🙂


Famous last words?

Health is wealth. Take care of yourself. Find your flow. Notice who you’re with and what you’re doing when you feel your best… Then keep doing more of that.


                                                    FOLLOW JESSICA SKYE:                                                        

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