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HomePoliticsStarmer Promises To Buy His Own Clothes From Now On

Starmer Promises To Buy His Own Clothes From Now On

Starmer Promises To Buy His Own Clothes From Now On


Labour has just issued a new line to Pippa Crerar, presumably intended to calm down circling hacks: Neither Starmer, Reeves, nor Rayner will accept any more clothing donations from now on. Angela hasn’t promised to stop using Lord Alli’s £2 million New York party pad though…

Starmer will be forced to dip into his £167,000 salary from now on if he wants to pick up a new suit. Maybe Sue can chip in?

Nigel had a dig at the scandal as he kicked off his conference speech:

UPDATE: The line was issued ahead of the FT’s new revelation that Reeves and Rayner have both accepted thousands of pounds worth of free clothes, which weren’t labelled as such in the register of interests. Because they were registered as support for work duties…

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