Backlash Over Ed Balls Giving Easy Interview to Wife Yvette Cooper
Viewers this morning were left with eyebrows-raised as they saw Ed Balls of Good Morning Britain fame interviewing…his wife, Home Secretary Yvette Cooper. Funnily enough, Balls refrained from his usual “talking over the top” bit, asking some soft questions to Cooper, one of which (about social media and rioters) opened with “We’ve talked about this a few times in the last few days”. Presumably Yvette would know the question already then….
While watching Mr. Yvette Cooper give the Home Secretary an easy ride this morning, Guido was reminded of when Balls interviewed James Cleverly when he was in post. He was much more keen to look tough than actually get any answers. Meanwhile, Cooper couldn’t find the time to go on GB News this morning. Guido can’t possibly imagine why…