Friday, September 20, 2024
HomePoliticsLabour Membership Faces Starmergeddon

Labour Membership Faces Starmergeddon

Labour Membership Faces Starmergeddon


Labour may have outspent the Tories by £18 million in the election, that however hasn’t stopped their membership haemorrhaging another 37,000 members since 2022. The party faithful have been deserting Labour in droves since 2018 when membership stood at 532,000 under Corbyn, a decline of 170,000 members. With memberships averaging £60 a year per person, that’s a loss of £10 million to the Labour coffers over the last five years. Luckily the fat cat charm offensive paid off… 

Labour’s ranks aren’t the only ones in decline. The SNP lost 10,000 members as of July 2024, whilst the Liberal Democrat army shrank 11% from 97,493 in 2022 to 86,599 in 2023. At that rate, the Lib Dem membership would cease to exist in eight years. Mark 2032 in your calendars…

While the Conservatives don’t publish membership figures, income from membership fees did fall from £1.97 million to £1.5 million. If votes are anything to go by the figures must be bleak…

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