Friday, September 20, 2024
HomePoliticsA Brief History Of Hope

A Brief History Of Hope

Absolutely spot on. Ten years since indyref, and a plethora of nobodies, carpetbaggers and gender cultists in the SNP, principally Sturgeon, have trashed where we were. The SNP have become London’s little colonial enablers, playing England’s game by England’s rules. No vision, no drive, no sense of urgency about independence, happy to ride the gravy train for another ten years – until they all retire with their nice pensions and comfortable lives. Sitting watching as Scotland with oil reserves, has its only refinery shut down by England. Asset stripping writ large. The SNP, all talk, nae action, nae point.

Cut the candle, cut the rope.

We start again. All those in favour of independence say Aye.

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