Julian Ellacott has been elected as the Chairman of the Conservative Party’s National Convention. The NCC is the most senior component of the party’s voluntary wing, comprised of around 800 of its highest-ranking officers. Its central role is to represent party members in internal party affairs, including by electing five members each year to the all-mighty Conservative Party Board.
Ellacott outlined his pitch on this site. Describing himself as someone who “has served at all levels of the voluntary party” over the previous quarter of a century, including as a Vice President of the National Convention, Ellacott pointed out the need to reinvigorate the party’s decentralised structure, in line with the financial difficulties posed by Opposition. Volunteers need motivating.
Having squared off against self-styled anti-status quo candidate Joanna Reeves, Ellacott has been elected for a three-year term. ConservativeHome wishes him well in his efforts at representing party members at the heart of CCHQ. Coming alongside the Chairman’s desire to put members at the heart of party conference, one hopes this is a sign of further healthy intra-party debate to come.