US Candidates Neck and Neck on Election Day
Both candidates have completed their final rallies ahead of Americans going to the polls. Trump spoke in Grand Rapids, Michigan, and Harris in Philadelphia. She got Lady Gaga, will.i.am, Oprah Winfrey, and Katy Perry to show up while Trump secured the endorsement of world-famous podcaster Joe Rogan…
Final polls give Harris a short lead nationwide – though the seven crucial swing states are neck and neck. Pennsylvania, which the Democrats need to win, sits at 48.4% Harris and 48.3% Trump. A hair’s breadth…
Early-voting Republicans have outvoted Democrats for the first time since 2008 – specifically in all-important Nevada and North Carolina. It’s Twitter hysteria from the usual UK suspects as expected:
In Trump’s heart there is no curiosity, no wonder, no kindness, no compassion, no lightness of spirit; only ego, rage, resentment, impulsiveness and cruelty.
You are better than him. He does not deserve your vote.— George Monbiot (@GeorgeMonbiot) November 5, 2024
Of the swing states Georgia should declare first at around midnight, followed by North Carolina, Pennsylvania, Arizona, Michigan, Wisconsin, and finally Nevada into the small hours of the morning. With the race as tight as it is legal challenges could delay the official result by quite some time – remember hanging chads. It’s going to be a long night…
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