Friday, October 18, 2024
HomePoliticsWales' NHS App 62 Times More Expensive than England's

Wales' NHS App 62 Times More Expensive than England's

Wales’ NHS App 62 Times More Expensive than England’s


It’s not always a good thing to be different from Westminster. The separate NHS apps for England and Wales, which happen to have been developed by the same company, have a huge disparity in costs per user. A disparity of around 62 times…

The English NHS app cost £62.8 million total to develop and deploy, with 33.6 million registered users as of December 2023. The Welsh version, on the other hand, which was deployed at a significantly slower rate (on purpose), has only 130,730 users at a development cost of £14.9 million . That winds up to £1.87 per user in England compared to Wales’ £115. This isn’t the first time Wales’ devolved government has poured taxpayer funds down the drain for an app: the Welsh Government’s superfluous health services app in 2012 cost £22 for each person who downloaded it. “Doing things differently”…

Welsh Tory leader Andrew RT Davies tells Guido in response that this is “yet another egregious example of a wasteful Labour Welsh Government with a total disregard for taxpayers’ cash“. If a politician tells you they’re worth the money, seek a second opinion…

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