What with this poll apparently being such terrific news for John Swinney’s runaway popularity with the people of Scotland, readers might be wondering why SNP MSP Graeme Dey has apparently forgotten to include the actual figures or link to the source so that people can find out for themselves.
Or, y’know, you might not.
Because what “most favoured” actually means here is that just 3 in 10 Scots have a favourable opinion of the First Minister – somewhat less than the 38% who have an UNfavourable one, and also less than the 31% who don’t have a view either way.
He’s still a bit LESS unpopular than the Scottish Labour and Scottish Tory leaders, of course. But “our guy is the least hated out of a group of people that the public would on the whole happily lob down a mineshaft” doesn’t make for so snappy a tweet.
And as for what people think of the government he leads, well:
You can see why, weak as it is, they’re playing the personality card.
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