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HomeBusinessIs Going Solar Beneficial For Your Business? - Prowess

Is Going Solar Beneficial For Your Business? – Prowess

Every business is constantly seeking ways to save money and enhance its reputation. One of the more recent trends we notice among businesses is the addition of solar panels. Installing solar is largely a “public relations” decision, but there are numerous economic benefits and tangible reasons for businesses to consider alternative energy investments. Solar power can allow your business to reduce its reliance on costly and often wildly fluctuating grid electricity, while adding to your company’s overall “carbon footprint”.

While the cost of the actual panels has been a deterrent for many people in years past, this is expected to change. There are numerous rebates, tax credits and other mechanisms to make the actual investment in solar more affordable. And, solar systems are less costly due to technological advances. Engaging with professional Commercial Solar Panel Installers will allow you to have solar panels installed at the best possible cost, and with the most effective design for your particular application. The potential savings on electric bills over the useful life of the system should more than make up for the initial outlay. Your company can even realise revenue from the sale of any excess energy produced to the utility company. Installing solar panels could very easily be a big financial advantage for your business, depending on where you are located and what type of business you are in.

What Is Solar Energy?

Solar energy converts the sun’s light into electricity to run your business, offering a renewable and cheap source of clean energy.

What is Solar Power?

Solar power is energy from the sun, converted into heat or electricity for your business. It is the most abundant, natural clean energy with the smallest environmental footprint. Sunlight consists of particles called photons.

How Do Solar Panels Generate Electricity?

A solar panel, also called a photovoltaic (PV) panel, converts light from the sun into electrical energy.

  • Structure: A standard solar panel is made up of many small solar cells containing silicon, called the semiconductor, sandwiched between a protective sheet and a glass plate.
  • Function: When photons hit a solar cell, they dislodge electrons from their atoms. If conductors are attached to a cell’s positive and negative sides to create an electrical circuit, the electrons will flow through the wires, producing electricity.
  • Conversion: Solar panels produce direct current (DC) electricity. A solar inverter will convert DC into alternating current (AC) because AC electricity is what is delivered to your business.

What Are the Different Types of Solar Energy Systems?

There are numerous different types of solar energy systems, with unique characteristics and specialised applications.

  1. Monocrystalline Panels: These panels offer high efficiency, and are dark coloured with rounded edges.
  2. Polycrystalline Panels: Known as multi-crystalline or polycrystalline silicon (PCS), these panels are blue coloured and less efficient than monocrystalline, but are less expensive.
  3. Thin-Film Solar Cells: Also known as thin-film solar modules, these cells are flexible and very light. They serve some applications where monocrystalline or polycrystalline solar cells are impractical. Thin-film solar cells have low efficiency.

Concentrated Solar Power (CSP) technique involves the use of numerous mirrors to concentrate the sunlight focused on a large area onto a much smaller area. The light trapped in this way is converted into heat and used to boil a transfer fluid in a heat engine connected to a power generator.

Financial Benefits

Converting your business to solar power will provide you with significant financial benefits over time, and cut your costs.

Lower Electric Bills

The most direct benefit obtained from converting your business to solar power is the lowering of your monthly electric bill. Solar panels use the sunlight to convert it into electricity, therefore decreasing reliance on fossil fuels. You will significantly save money over time, especially during the daytime when energy costs are highest, by producing your own electricity.

Tax Credits and Rebates

Government tax credits and rebates offer businesses like yours additional savings on the initial costs of investing in a solar energy solution. These savings can equal to as much as 50% off your initial investment so you’ll want to check into what your state has available. Depending on your state, your local utility company may also provide additional rebates and incentives for installing a solar energy system.


Solar technology is not only an investment in the planet, it is also smart business. The initial investment costs are steep, but your solar arrays will eventually pay for themselves through lower operating costs and government incentives. As the cost of traditional energy continues to increase, you’ll save even more and recover your investment in even less time.

Environmental Benefits

Converting your business to solar power will lower your company’s ecological footprint, bolster your commitment to sustainability and provide a route to attaining energy self-sufficiency.

Lower Carbon Emissions

The single greatest way to lower your carbon footprint is to install solar panels. Consumption of clean energy reduces dependence on oil and coal and thereby decreases greenhouse gas emissions. Solar energy systems do not emit carbon dioxide in the generation of electricity and therefore help combat climate change. To illustrate:

  • The average installed commercial solar panel system will offset approximately 1.03 metric tons of CO2 per year per kilowatt installed.
  • About 50 trees are planted each year for every kilowatt of solar capacity.

Promote Environmental Stewardship

We’ve outlined the primary reasons for investing in solar energy for your business. From lowering operational costs to enhancing your company’s image as environmentally conscious, solar energy offers numerous benefits. With the constant improvement in solar technology, it has never been easier or more affordable to harness solar power for your enterprise.

Utilising commercial solar panels is an easy way to promote environmental stewardship and save money at the same time. Contact us for more information about how you too can go solar with your business! 

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