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HomeBusinessThe Power Of Networking: Building A Strong Business Network - Prowess

The Power Of Networking: Building A Strong Business Network – Prowess

Women in business have made significant strides in recent years, particularly in the United Kingdom, where an ever-growing number of female entrepreneurs and professionals have shaped and continue to shape industries. Despite these welcomed advances, challenges still exist, especially regarding the world of networking.

The power of networking should not be understated. It can open doors to new opportunities, partnerships, and essential support networks. In this article, we’ll look into the importance of networking and how you can leverage it. We will also provide helpful tips to get your network off the ground.

Why Networking Matters

Networking is more than exchanging business cards or attending events; it’s about building lasting relationships that lead to collaboration, mentorship, and mutual support. Research from the Federation of Small Businesses (FSB) shows that women are 50% more likely than men to cite a lack of networking opportunities as hindering their business’ success. There are many reasons for this. First, traditional business networks have historically been male-dominated, particularly in the construction, finance, and sports industries.

Women also face additional societal barriers, including balancing family commitments with career advancement. Such challenges make it more important for women to join and engage with networks that understand and support their unique ambitions and needs.

The Role of Women’s Business Networks

Organisations like Forward Ladies, Women in Business Network (WIBN), and Everywoman are two prominent networking groups focusing on businesswomen. They offer mentoring programmes, networking events, and workshops designed to empower women in the fiercely competitive business world while providing a safe space for them to discuss challenges that traditional male-dominated networks may not address.

Practical Steps for Building a Strong Network

General business networking events are helpful and have their place, but industry-specific events enable you to connect with individuals who fully understand the challenges and trends of your favoured sector. Attending workshops or trade shows within your industry helps you discover and link up with key players while keeping you updated on your industry’s developments.

British Business Show and Tech Women UK are excellent places to meet like-minded individuals. They offer in-person and virtual events.

Do not discount online platforms when building your business network. LinkedIn, even the free version, enables you to connect with potential clients, showcase your expertise, participate in professional discussions, and share industry insights.

Ensure your LinkedIn profile is up to date and reflects your professional brand. Join relevant groups, comment on posts, and share valuable content with those inside your network and with those whose network you would like to become part of. Additionally, check out platforms like Eventbrite and Meetup for upcoming business networking events you can attend.

Build Relationships, Not Transactions

Many people wrongly believe networking is solely about exchanging business opportunities; it is not! You must realise that the most successful networks are built on genuine relationships where individuals offer advice, collaboration, and mutual support. Instead of wondering, “What can I get?” from a networking opportunity, you should approach it with the mindset of “What can I bring to the table?” You will likely find you get more out of these networks when you are prepared to give.

Think of networking events as a long-term investment. Like investments, building meaningful connections takes time, effort, and patience. Don’t leave the event, and then wait until the next one to reconnect. Reach out to those you spoke to by engaging with them on social media or a quick email, or schedule a coffee morning. The relationships you build today could prove invaluable down the line.

Mentorship is one of the most powerful tools for personal and professional development. However, it is often overlooked by both sexes. Mentors can offer guidance about many subjects, from the challenges of running a business to advancing your career. Furthermore, mentors may introduce you to their networks, expanding your circle to a wider range of useful contacts.

Forward Ladies and Everywoman are just two women-focused networks offering mentorship programmes. They can pair you with experienced professionals in your chosen field.

In addition, do not be afraid to reach out to experienced people who are key figures in your industry. These individuals did not get to where they are in the business world without the help and assistance of others. Approach them respectfully; you will likely find they are happy and willing to offer advice.

Overcoming Networking Challenges

Networking can feel daunting, especially for women operating in male-dominated industries. There are dozens of factors that make women feel like they cannot fully engage in networking opportunities; everyone is different. However, try to remember that everyone starts somewhere, and building a network takes time. Start small and build from there.

Consider engaging with others through online platforms if the thought of large-scale networking events sends shivers down your spine. People often feel safer and more confident when they are not physically meeting, so look for some virtual events to attend.

Attend smaller, more intimate events to build your confidence, or approach people one-on-one so you do not become overwhelmed. Eventually, your confidence in networking situations will soar, and you’ll be able to put yourself out there and showcase your skills and value.


Building a solid business network is essential for anyone wanting to advance their careers or grow their business. While it is possible to be a one-person outfit and take on challenges alone, having a network of experienced, like-minded individuals in your corner makes progression much easier. This is especially true for women in business, who face unique challenges that their male counterparts do not have to worry about.

Taking a genuine approach to networking and attending events with the attitude of contributing to the circle and not just taking from it can help you gain the resources and support you need to succeed in business. Remember, having a small number of deep and strong connections is better than hundreds of flimsy relationships. Start building your network and relationships today.



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