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HomeEntertainment NewsManagement, Staff Celebrate NCPC Boss At 56 – Independent Newspaper Nigeria

Management, Staff Celebrate NCPC Boss At 56 – Independent Newspaper Nigeria

The management and staffs of the Nigeria Christian Pilgrim Commission has celebrated with their boss Bishop Stephen Adegbite as he clicks 56 years today 17th August 2024.

In a press release made available to Independent and signed by Celestine Toruka
Deputy Director and Head Media and Public Relations of the Commission, it stated that, “The Executive Secretary, Nigerian Christian Pilgrim Commission Bishop ( Prof) Stephen Adegbite turns 56 today, the 17th of August, 2024.

“The NCPC boss was born on 17th August, 1968 in Oyo state, the Pacesetter state, South West Nigeria.

“He is an ordained Minister of God, after graduation from the Immanuel Seminary in Oyo state.

The statement reads that Bishop Adegbite who has been serving in the Ministry of God for over three decades, studied at the prestigious and one of the best citadel of learnings in sub Saharan Africa, the University of Ibadan where he bagged his first degree, Masters and Doctor of Philosophy , PhD in Comparative Christian Religion and Ethics.

“He is currently the Metropolitan Bishop , Methodist Church Nigeria, Ikeja Diocese, Lagos state and also doubles as the Chairman of the Christian Association of Nigeria, CAN Lagos state.

“He is also the Chairman of the Christian Council of Nigeria, South West and a member of the reverred Nigeria Interreligious Council, NIREC.

“Bishop Adegbite providentially assumed office as the 4th substantive Executive Secretary of the Nigerian Christian Pilgrim Commission on 5th February, 2024, having been been appointed by President Bola TInubu, on 4th January, 2024.

“Under his watch, the Commission has so far been faring well; he has been able to restore dignity and confidence of stakeholders.

He is a man of humanity who believes tenaciously in the epicurean school of thought where the happiness of others takes centre stage .

He has been able to carry out far reaching innovation for staff in terms of welfare and motivation, he also approved the auctioning of the official used cars of the Commission to staff as well as other items which were also disposed to all the staff of the Commission and other people oriented programmes.

“He has effectively and sufficiently engaged the relevant stakeholders in running the affairs of Christian pilgrimage sub – sector in Nigeria.

“Importantly, he is a leader who also believes in capacity building., hence he graciously approved the 2024 general staff training for every staff of the Commission which will be declared open by him on Monday, 19th August, 2024.

“Both management and staff of the Commission celebrate with this great leader who has come to NCPC with his episcopal blessings for all of us.

We thank him for his labour of love in the Lord’s vineyard and in this great Commission.
We are indeed eternally grateful to God to have His Lordship, Bishop Stephen Adegbite as the Chief Servant of NCPC at a time like this in the life of this only apex Christian Faith based Agency of Government. The statement reads.

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