If you’re looking for a practical hairstyle this summer, Afroculture.net invites you to try the Afro-puff. It’s a trendy and simple hairstyle to wear during the summer months. It’s quick and easy to do, and will let you look natural with your beautiful frizzy hair.
But what is Afro-puff?
It’s a simple, practical hairstyle for black and mixed-race women, in which the afro cut is tied back with a large elastic band or scarf to create a high, rounded bun in the shape of a ball. More precisely, the hair is brought to the top of the head and pulled back to form a bushy ball.
Quels sont les avantages de ce style de coiffure ?
- .It’s a quick and easy hairstyle that takes less than 5 minutes to achieve.
- Easy to achieve on short or long hair.
- Suitable for all hair types.
- It can be done in the middle, on the side (side puff), up or down.
- Suitable for all situations.
- It’s a hairstyle that can be worn in everyday life as well as for special occasions.
Warnin : don’t hesitate to loosen your elastics when doing an afro puff if you have fragile hair or traction alopecia.The fact of not over-tightening will avoid headaches, but it will preserve your hair!
- 1/Afro puff, simple and pretty to wear
- 2/Sophisticated Afro puff with side braids
- 3/Voluminous Afro puff on the side
- 4/Afro puff with a pretty bow tie hair clip
- 5/Afro puff with headscarf
- 6/ By day and by night in magnificent Afro puff
How do you make an Afro puff?
- a little moisturizing cream or oil
- gel if needed
- a comb or soft bristle brush
- a large rubber band or black shoelace
- a scarf
Afro puff tutorial in pictures.
Tutorial 1
Tutorial 2
Do you like this hairstyle? Don’t hesitate to send us your best photos with your name and Instagram account to afroculturee@gmail.com and we’ll feature you in our next article.
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