Following Matt Hsu’s Obscure Orchestra double release, Noodle and Forest Party, both Featured Albums of the Month, Matt got together with Japanese multi-instrumentalist and experimental alt-pop artist Shugo Tokumaru for an Artist-on-Artist Interview. During the midst of all this, Matt also had his first child, so huge congrats!

Matt on Shugo
When I first encountered Shugo Tokumaru’s music, it was like being catapulted into the sky into some fantastical fairground for cloud beings. It was his 2011 album Port Entropy, and I was mesmerised. Surrounded by a context where ‘indie music’ was mostly white dudes playing guitar, I was fully drawn into this music cosmos, one person creating lush otherworldly that was sometimes joyful, sometimes introspective. It became the soundtrack of my floating around on bicycle in Magandjin/Brisbane’s West End (Kurilpa), roving around cities and towns playing with my folk-punk band The Mouldy Lovers. It became music I shared with close friends, and even though I couldn’t understand the words, I loved how it made me feel. He became a core reference for my work as ‘Matt Hsu’s Obscure Orchestra’.
So now, right on the cusp of my first child being born, I’m amazed that I get to share conversation with Shugo Tokumaru himself. He was funny, gracious and friendly, I loved every minute. Enjoy!
トクマルシューゴの音楽に初めて出会ったとき、それはまるで空に放り出されて、雲の精霊たちが集う幻想的な遊園地に迷い込んだような感覚でした。2011年のアルバム『Port Entropy』に出会い、その世界観にすっかり魅了されました。
当時、「インディーミュージック」といえばギターを弾く白人男性ばかりのイメージが強かった中で、たった一人でこんなにも豊かで異世界のような音楽を生み出していることに完全に引き込まれました。時に陽気で、時に内省的なその音楽は、ブリスベン/マガンジンのウェストエンド(クリルパ)で自転車に乗って街をふわふわと漂うときや、フォークパンクバンド「The Mouldy Lovers」として各地を巡るときのサウンドトラックになりました。そして、大切な友人たちと共有する音楽にもなりました。歌詞の意味がわからなくても、その音楽がくれる感覚が大好きだったんです。トクマルシューゴは、やがて『Matt Hsu’s Obscure Orchestra』としての自分の音楽の中核的なインスピレーションのひとつになりました。
This interview between multi-instrumentalist experimental alt-pop artists Shugo Tokumaru (Japan) and Matt Hsu’s Obscure Orchestra (Australia/Taiwan), took place during the fog of sleepless delirium immediately before and after Matt’s first child was born, through a series of emails and video.
Hi Shugo!
I’m Matt, from Obscure Orchestra. I’m writing an article about an artist I admire in the form of an artist-on-artist interview, and you’re that artist! Would you be keen?
Thank you for the music, you are a huge influence on me!
Shugo さん、こんにちは!
僕はMattです。Obscure Orchestra のメンバーです。
今、僕が尊敬するアーティストについて、アーティスト同士の対談形式で記事を書いているのですが、Shugoさんこそがそのアーティストです! ぜひご一緒できたら嬉しいです。
素晴らしい音楽をありがとうございます。Shugo さんの音楽は、僕にとって本当に大きな影響を与えてくれました。
I’d be happy to be involved in any way I can.
I saw your towel (tenugui) in the picture, are you friends with John John Festival?
写真に写っていたタオル(手ぬぐい)を見たのですが、John John Festival のお知り合いですか?
Thank you so much for being willing to do the interview with me!
Yes, I met Toshi, Mana and Hirofumi at various folk festivals around Australia throughout the 2010s, when I was playing also! They’re so lovely. I know you’ve made music with them, so this is a fun connection.
P.S. I’m expecting my first child tomorrow or Sunday!
P.S. 明日か日曜日に第一子が生まれる予定です!
Your first child is going to be born tomorrow!!!
That’s truly amazing!!!
Please, first and foremost, cherish this special time!!!
Thank you so much Shugo!! My baby was born yesterday. Appreciate you!
Congratulations on your baby!!!
I think this is truly an incredible thing.
From now on, I’m sure you’ll have days so busy they make your head spin—but also incredibly joyful ones!!!
- MATT: Are there any children’s media (shows, cartoons, music, books) you keep returning to in adulthood? Either for inspiration or as relaxation?大人になってからも繰り返し楽しんでいる子ども向けのメディア(番組、アニメ、音楽、本など)はありますか?それはインスピレーションの源になったり、リラックスするためのものだったりしますか?
Shugo: 私の親が漫画の編集者だったのもあって、(特定のものにハマったというのはないのですが)、たぶんリラックスやインスピレーションのためというより、子どものころからの癖で、今もたくさん漫画は読んでいます。
Since my parents were manga editors, I’ve always read a lot of manga—not because I was particularly obsessed with any one series, but more as a lifelong habit. So, rather than for inspiration or relaxation, it’s just something I’ve always done.
These days, I’m involved in early childhood education as well as making music for children’s TV and anime, so I often watch and listen to new children’s media as part of that work. [MH: Shugo is referring to Chiikawa among other works]
Also, I love collecting toy instruments from around the world, and even if they’re not instruments, I sometimes just buy children’s toys and play with them on my own.

Matt: What a fun coincidence, Lately I’ve been composing for children’s theatre as well working in the children’s section of an art gallery.
- SHUGO: What kind of child were you when you were little? Do you remember any songs you liked during your childhood?子どものころはどんな子どもでしたか?また幼少期に好きだった歌を覚えてますか?
Matt: In kindy, I remember smuggling playground sand into my shoe, so that at nap time, I could pour it onto the floor and draw pictures of animals with my finger. I think I’ve always been making art, especially nature related things.
My earliest memories were immersed in music. My dad’s cassette and CD collection was huge, a whole bookcase’s worth, eclectic pop and jazz from around the world. That was the soundtrack to our childhood. I also remember mum one day bringing out a guitar from storage, play amazing me that she could make music with her hands.
My two best friends in primary school had a big impact on me. Carlos’ Colombian parents were in a salsa band and introduced me to Latin jazz. Carlos and I created a comic book about martial arts cats and dogs, which I illustrated. Hiroshi, who moved from Japan and couldn’t speak English at first, shared Japanese music with us, I remember the Evangelion opening theme blowing our 11 year old minds.
- MATT: Musicians are generally not thought of as particularly sporty or outdoorsy people, but I personally find going on long bike rides helps me write better music. Is there a physical activity that is important to your life and creative balance?ミュージシャンはあまりスポーツやアウトドアのイメージがないかもしれませんが、個人的には長いサイクリングをすると音楽作りのアイデアが浮かびやすくなります。Shugoさんにとって、生活や創作のバランスをとる上で大切な身体的なアクティビティはありますか?
Shugo: クライミングをよくしています。アイデアに影響があるかはわかりませんが、普段あまり使わない脳と筋肉を使っている感じがあって、バランスをとる上でも大切なものだと感じます。
I do a lot of climbing. I’m not sure if it directly influences my ideas, but it definitely feels like I’m engaging parts of my brain and muscles that I don’t usually use. In that sense, I think it’s an important way to keep things balanced.
- SHUGO: 毎日、必ずしていること(ルーティーンやインプットなど)はなんですか?
Is there anything you do every day without fail, like a routine or something you always make sure to take in?
Matt: I ride my bicycle almost every day, commuting work or getting groceries, and I feel strange if I don’t. I often process my ideas and thoughts, or deeply listen to music and podcasts then.
This might be pretty universal, but I need to be outside for a good portion of each day. I’m not the kind of person that can go from home, car, office without being in the sun and air.
Our child Rem was born a few days ago, we’ve been resting in hospital then home, but yesterday our ‘outing’ was going into our tiny backyard to doing a garden tour. It was beautiful watching the leaves gently sway. I can’t wait to go camping and swimming with little Rem in the future.
- MATT: From one multi-instrumentalist to another, I often get asked “how do you play so many instruments?”, but I honestly feel like what’s more interesting is how sounds are woven together. Shugo, how did you develop the ‘knack’ for bringing together disparate and unusual sounds into something that makes sense to you as ‘music’?マルチインストゥルメンタリスト同士として、「どうやってたくさんの楽器を演奏できるようになったの?」とよく聞かれます。でも、個人的には「どうやってさまざまな音を組み合わせて、一つの音楽としてまとめ上げるか」のほうが面白いと感じます。Shugoさんは、異なる音をうまく織り交ぜて自分なりの音楽にするコツをどのように身につけましたか?
I actually don’t have much confidence in my ability to blend sounds well, so if it seems that way to you, that makes me really happy!
I’m always experimenting—trying out combinations I’ve never heard before, or ones I imagine and want to hear. So in reality, I probably fail more often than I succeed…
On the other hand, I also research the origins and meanings of instruments to consider how far I can take certain combinations.
For example, I might choose between a wooden shaker, a plastic shaker, a brand-new shaker, or a vintage shaker depending on the meaning of the lyrics. Or I might pan them differently in the left and right channels—small details that no one would really notice. Instruments are really fun, aren’t they?

- SHUGO: たくさんの人と一緒に演奏してやっていますが、難しさもあると思います。余白やノイズや即興性も活かしているように感じますし、全てをしっかりコントロールしているようにも感じて、そのバランス感が絶妙です。そのバランスを大切にしている部分が自分ともとても似ていると感じます。たくさんの人たちのそれぞれの良さを活かすように指揮者のようにコントロールしてつくりだしていく時の魅力と、全てを人に委ねてしまって偶然性を活かすことの魅力、それぞれ教えてください。
I imagine there must be some challenges in performing with so many people. It feels like you’re making use of space, noise, and improvisation, yet still maintaining control over everything, and that balance is truly remarkable. I feel like there’s a part of that balance that’s very similar to my own approach. I’d love to hear your thoughts on the appeal of directing and shaping a performance, bringing out the best in each person like a conductor, versus the appeal of letting go and embracing the element of chance by leaving it up to others.
Matt: Thank you so much Shugo. This is massive coming from you, who I’ve been listening and re-listening to for 15 years. I related to that blending/weaving/composing not coming easily, it takes a lot of trial and error, but when it starts combining in that magic way, I get so excited. Sometimes I’ll get stuck and leave a song idea for months, then when sounds, instrument or collaboration ideas suddenly dawn on me, it’s like madly cooking up a feast.
I have such an incredible group of musicians, alt/indie soloists, experimental sound artists, hip-hop icons, it’s incredible seeing the music be brought to life by people who have all these specialities that I lack, so many deeper flavours and mixtures come out. It’s actual magic, like watching a film for the first time that will go on to be a favourite. Every moment is like ‘Wow! And now this? Wow!’
I feel like I’m not a very boss-like figure, and members of my orchestra are very active in adapting my compositions for the ensemble. My focus becomes more about creating a sense of belonging and togetherness. Before each show, I check on everyone emotionally, some might be anxious or want to check their parts so I take time to go through things and encourage them. Secretly, on the inside I have huge nerves and anxieties myself, but once the show starts and the music begins, I always have a huge wave of relief, like ‘ah, we all have each other, this will be okay’.
I remember in a past interview of yours, you mentioned that if you didn’t play in your band Gellers, you wouldn’t be able to make ‘Shugo Tokumaru’ music. I feel the exact same way. I learned everything important about music from playing in my band The Mouldy Lovers. Even though we’re ‘solo musicians’ we’re never alone aren’t we? There’s always a community involved in our music.
以前、あなたがインタビューで「Gellersで演奏していなかったら、‘Shugo Tokumaru’の音楽は作れなかっただろう」とおっしゃっていたのを覚えています。私もまさにその通りだと思っています。私はバンド「The Mouldy Lovers」で音楽の大切なことをすべて学びました。たとえ私たちが「ソロアーティスト」だとしても、決して一人ではないですよね?私たちの音楽には、いつでもコミュニティが関わっています。

- MATT: Aside from musical instruments, what things do you collect?楽器以外でコレクションしているものはありますか?
Shugo: I love reading manga and philosophy books, but lately, I’ve been trying to limit what I own to just instruments—so I avoid collecting anything else!
- SHUGO: ICHIさん&レイチェルもお好きなんですね。ICHIさんやパスカルズやジョンジョンなどなど、ぜひ日本でみんなと一緒にできたら良いですね。とても合うと思います。どうですか?
You’re a fan of ICHI and Rachael Dadd too, right? I think it would be amazing if we could all play together in Japan—ICHI, Pascals, John John Festival, and everyone. I think it would be a perfect fit. What do you think?
I love them, seeing ICHI invent his own objects and sleigh bell stilt-walk to stage made me realise that music truly can be anything.
It would be a dream come true to play with ICHI, Pascals, John John Festival and yourself together in Japan. Honestly a wish fulfilled.
ICHI、Pascals、John John Festival、そしてあなたと一緒に日本で演奏できたら、夢がかなったようなものです。本当に願いが叶う感じです。
MATT: Thanks for much for the good chat!
SHUGO: こちらこそ、ありがとうございました!
Thanks so much for having me!
Forest Party and Noodle were jointly released on 1st February 2025.
Both albums are available now via Bandcamp: https://mhoo.bandcamp.com/
There are also MHOO Bundles that include both albums on vinyl (which ships mid-April) with a comic book and sticker sheet. You can pre-order those here: https://mhoo.bandcamp.com/merch
Stream: https://open.spotify.com/artist/5CP55w0wBOIro148vBrJan
Matt Hsu’s Obscure Orchestra: https://obscureorchestra.com/
Shugo Tokumaru: https://www.shugotokumaru.com/index_eng.html
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