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HomeNewsStudy finds UK hit with more illnesses as temperatures increase

Study finds UK hit with more illnesses as temperatures increase


Climate change resulting in warmer weather may cause more people to be struck by diarrhoea, fever and stomach cramps, scientists have warned.

More than 144,000 cases of salmonella poisoning in England and Wales between 2000-2016 were compared with Met Office data in a study.

Warmer temperatures above 10C and longer days were linked with significantly higher rates of illness.

No such effect was seen for other weather changes such as air pressure, wind speed or sunshine duration.

Dr Laura Gonzalez Villeta, the first author of the study and researcher at the University of Surrey, said: “The study highlights how weather plays a significant role in Salmonella outbreaks and provides a valuable tool for predicting future risks and tailoring interventions, particularly in the context of climate change.”

Salmonella is a type of bacteria that can trigger nasty food poisoning. Symptoms typically develop between six hours and three days after infection.

It is found in the intestines of animals and humans and can contaminate food that is not cooked or handled properly.

The researchers did not investigate the reasons why hot weather increased risk but possible explanations include higher bacteria growth rates in warmer temperatures.

Changes in human behaviour such as having barbecues or picnics, or increased shedding of bacteria by stressed animals on hot days, may also play a role.

Another recent study suggested that the risk of non-typhoidal salmonella rose by around 5% for every 1C rise in temperature.

Writing in the Journal of Infection, the researchers at Surrey’s School of Veterinary Medicine added: “A better understanding of disease behaviour is essential for disease preparedness and prevention, especially in relation to the increasing anthropogenic impact on the environment and climate change.”

Salmonella poisoning can be prevented by washing hands, cleaning food preparation surfaces, ensuring food is stored and cooked properly, and keeping pets out of the kitchen.


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