‘Coup’ Against Anti-Woke Buckingham University Vice-Chancellor Fails
James Tooley, Vice-Chancellor of the prestigious private University of Buckingham, was last night fully exonerated after a protracted investigation and suspension. Vexacious claims made by Tooley’s ex-wife led to his expulsion from his house on university grounds and numerous negative stories in the press…
Tooley was supported by Griffin Law and senior academics who called for his suspension to be lifted last month. Accusations of a coup attempt have naturally been levelled at the triumvirate of officials who ran the university in Tooley’s stead:
- Harriet Dunbar-Morris, Pro Vice-Chancellor.
- David Cole, Chief Financial Officer.
- Chris Payne, Registrar.
There are also three volunteers on the governing body of UoB’s Council who are accused by Tooley’s allies of abetting the suspension:
- Mark Qualter, Chair of Council.
- The Hon. Milly Soames DL, Vice-Chair of Council. Wife of the head of the CBI…
- Chris Hollis, Chair of Audit, Risk & Compliance.
A friend of Professor Tooley tells Guido: “Actions have consequences. This cowardly cabal of failed coup leaders abused process and tried to kill James’ career and destroy his reputation, and they nearly succeeded in taking his life. Now each of them must resign, today. Malicious, politically motivated bullies like them have no business being at the university or anywhere in public life.” The professor’s reinstatement may not be the end of the saga…
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