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HomePoliticsLabour Council Lost 6,500 Votes On Election Night

Labour Council Lost 6,500 Votes On Election Night

Labour Council Lost 6,500 Votes On Election Night


Labour-led Wandsworth Council allegedly saw a whopping 6,558 votes go missing during the general election count. On election night, Putney’s results showed 42,737 votes and a 59% turnout, though now revised figures reveal a scandalous 6,558 votes were lost, bumping the real turnout to 68%. That’s roughly 1 in 10 votes unaccounted for…

Local Conservatives are outraged over this “alarming” democratic mishap. Leader of the Conservative group Cllr Aled Richards-Jones blasted the Council:

“The Council’s Labour Administration must stand up and take responsibility for – and, crucially, explain – this fiasco.In any democracy, people need to have confidence their votes will be counted. Previous elections in Wandsworth have been won by a handful of votes – three years ago, a by-election in Tooting was won by a single vote, demonstrating how important it is that every vote is counted.”

Democracy under Labour…

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