You would think trains would be relatively inoffensive things. Ivor the Engine, Thomas the Tank engine, all great lads. But this being Northern Ireland, where we can turn cakes and toasters into sectarian arguments, it is no surprise that there’s a boo hoo over the choo choo.
The Irish News reports that residents of Sandy Row are demanding fewer trains. From the article:
At a recent rally in Sandy Row opposing the demolition of Boyne Bridge at Durham Street, a speaker also called for the Enterprise service reduction.
Billy Dickson, a local Orangeman leading the campaign to retain Boyne Bridge, made the call as one of a series of proposals to “save Sandy Row”.He also questioned why the services had already increased when a consultation on a planning application made in November 2023 by the NI Transport Holding Company – which oversees Translink – to lift a restriction on the number of daily Belfast to Dublin trains remained open.
Mr Dickon said in his proposal: “We the people of Sandy Row assembled at an open air meeting beside the Boyne Bridge on 5th November 2024, call upon Translink to reverse the decision to increase the number of trains operating from the new central station.
“Because in our view Translink did not and still do not have planning permission to do so. We also call upon the planning authorities to enforce the planning condition 5 under section 54 which restricts the number of train services to no more than 8 daily Belfast to Dublin services each way – 16 in total…in the interest of residential amenity”.
In responses to the consultation, one resident said the new services had caused an increase in noise and the “level of vibrations”. Another said locals “working from home or with young children will be particularly impacted by the increased noise and disturbances”.
Fair enough if the noise does impact residents but it does seem to be telling that they only have an issue with the Enterprise service not any of the other countless trains that now go in and out of the new Grand Central Station.
Could I be so bold as to make a suggestion? Could Dublin Daddy via DFA arrange for some day trips to Dublin for local residents? A ride on the Enterphrise, a wee tour of Dublin, a bit of lunch, a few pints, a look at the shops, then homeward bound on the Enterphrise. A great day out for all involved.
Not everything needs to be conflict. Spending a few grand engaging with people can pay great dividends down the line.
Can we interest our very own TE Lawrence in a day trip to Dublin? We could even sweeten the deal with an upgrade to First Class.
I help to manage Slugger by taking care of the site as well as running our live events. My background is in business, marketing and IT. My politics tend towards middle-of-the-road pragmatism, I am not a member of any political party. Oddly for a member of the Slugger team, I am not that interested in daily politics, preferring to write about big ideas in society. When not stuck in front of a screen, I am a parkrun Run Director.
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