Among 11-24 year olds, which includes Gen Z, a total of 61 per cent would vote to rejoin. Only 28 per cent would vote to stay out.
A majority of voters want another referendum on Brexit within five years, a new poll has found, once more showing the public’s dissatisfaction with the vote to leave the EU.
The survey, carried out by Redfield & Wilton, and reported in the Independent, also found that if another referendum on the UK’s membership of the EU was held today it would result in Brexit being reversed, with a clear majority of all voters saying they would opt to rejoin the EU.
It comes as the Labour government seeks closer cooperation with the EU, although Keir Starmer has ruled out any reversal of the decision to leave.
According to the Redfield & Wilton poll, 56% of those asked said that they would vote to rejoin the EU, if another referendum were held today. To make matters worse for Brexiteers, that includes 1 in 4 of those who voted to Leave in 2016.
Among 11-24 year olds, which includes Gen Z, a total of 61 per cent would vote to rejoin. Only 28 per cent would vote to stay out.
The findings come at a time when the adverse economic impact of Brexit continues to grow, with economists warning this week that Brexit red tape on British businesses has caused goods trade between the UK and EU to slump and that the problem is getting worse.
Last month it was also found that a majority of Britons believe that the negatives of Brexit have outweighed the benefits.
Basit Mahmood is editor of Left Foot Forward
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