Noah Khogali is a Scottish Conservative Councillor in Perth and Kinross and Policy Director of the Conservative Friends of the Commonwealth.
The Scottish Conservative Party needs a new vision to rebuild the party into a winning force once again. Murdo Fraser has that vision.
As the Scottish Conservative leadership race begins to enter into its final stages, the clear choice is between a renewing force with ideas and ambition – Murdo Fraser – or the status quo and establishment.
Fundamental to that better vision is the idea that Scotland must cut taxes and lure businesses and individuals from south of the border to set up shop in Scotland. In order to do that, the Scottish Conservatives must also be afforded the opportunity to have a more unique, Scottish, identity whilst remaining part of the broader UK Conservative party.
There have been long-running issues about defensive rhetoric used by the Scottish Conservatives when campaigning, focused on the SNP and offering little of the positive vision which we as a party have for Scotland.
Party members, as well as representatives in councils and at Holyrood, have repeatedly made clear their frustrations regarding this strategy, yet were ignored by the party establishment. Fraser’s campaign has been refreshing on the issue, tackling it head-on – and reflecting the views of the membership.
His lower-tax vision for Scotland will encourage the relocation of other British businesses into Scotland and enable renewed investment and more and better paid jobs, as well as services. Crucially, it is one which has been developed through conversation and cooperation with party members, rather than in a locked room in Party headquarters with only those members of the inner sanctum establishment present.
In the context of Labour’s assault on jobs in the northeast of Scotland, and their likely tax rises in England, we need a Scottish Conservative leader who will put the economy at the heart of their pitch for the keys to Bute House.
As a former commercial lawyer, Fraser understands what it will take to make the Scottish tax environment an appealing one for investment, and has made that argument throughout his leadership pitch. He was well-respected as shadow business secretary, and is trusted by businesses across the country.
Fraser’s time serving as Scottish Conservative spokesman on economy, health, education, finance and the constitution has given him the broad knowledge base required to be a successful leader.
Scotland has the potential to be an economic powerhouse within the UK if it encourages business to move north, and Fraser understands that better than any of the other candidates. At present, Scotland’s GDP per capita is £30,586, whilst England’s is £34,241, with contracting business investment and a significant government deficit.
Fraser’s positive, pro-business approach, would see Scotland turn those numbers around and put it at the heart of the UK’s investment opportunities.
With a more fruitful trading environment will come business confidence, employees making Scotland their home, and, ultimately, investment into public services strained by SNP mismanagement of government institutions. It is with those tax receipts from enhanced investment and growth that we can then address the failures left by the Nationalists and tackle the issues which matter to voters and members.
Fraser is the man with the vision and trust of business to reset the Scottish economy if elected leader of the Scottish Conservatives and, eventually, first minister.
In order to best fulfil that vision of a more wealthy and growth-minded Scotland, the Scottish Conservatives must also embrace a more unique Scottish identity – while remaining a core part of the national Conservative Party.
Conservatism has always been about shrinking the size of the government and bringing power closer to ordinary people. In order to do that in Scotland, the party must allow itself more of an individual identity north of the border, if its membership so chooses.
Despite misinformation spread by other candidates, Fraser has been clear that he does not believe that the Scottish Conservatives should become their own entity entirely, but that a commission should be set up to allow party members to set that direction themselves, independently of the party establishment.
That would allow party members to reset its structure and their relationship with it. It is important that, moving forward, we are able to avoid establishment stitch-ups, like the case of David Duguid’s removal as a candidate, or an attempt by the party establishment to appoint its preferred choice of leadership candidate.
In order to give the membership its due voice within the party and setting its policy and campaign agenda, it is imperative that Fraser wins the leadership.
Ultimately, this leadership contest is a decision between renewal, ambition, and a thoroughly good man in Fraser, or more of the same from the party establishment. His pitch to the country is one of aspiration, growth, and economic prosperity, while his vision for the party is one driven by its members.
He will be getting my vote because, like many members, I see that he has the most positive, thorough, and Conservative vision for both the party and for Scotland.
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