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HomePoliticsOur top ten picks of the week | Conservative Home

Our top ten picks of the week | Conservative Home

A year ago Israel suffered a national trauma. Don’t underestimate how deep.

Giles Dilnot

“People can try to brush out what happened a year ago but deep in Israeli society it won’t wash. It really was a national trauma, and it really was as bad as Hamas terrorists wanted it to look.”

Cleverly overtakes Jenrick in our post-conference leadership survey

Henry Hill

“The Shadow Foreign Secretary has stormed ahead to take second place on members’ preferences – and for the first time sees off his former Home Office colleague in the head-to-heads.”

“The most sophisticated electorate in the world”

William Atkinson

“Both candidates have their distinctive analyses and prescriptions. Both offer more than the affable management of decline. A choice, not an echo.”

Good King Boris tells the story of his downfall, and plainly hopes for a comeback

Andrew Gimson

“Johnson may not be as amusing as Disraeli, but he is without doubt the funniest and most literate PM since Macmillan.”

The Conservatives should not make an electoral pact with Reform UK. But we should prepare for coalition with them.

Harry Phibbs

“While running a full slate of candidates there can still be a nudge and a wink.” 

Making the centre work – how No.10 operates best is set by a PM

David Willetts

“Different Prime Ministers have their own ways of discharging their heavy responsibilities. It is rather like different actors with a wide variety of interpretations of a great Shakespearean role.”

When they vote today, growth should be foremost in the minds of Conservative MPs

Daniel Hannan

“If you’re a Tory MP agonising how to vote today, ask yourself one question. Which candidate will convince voters that the Conservatives are serious about growth?”

To get back in contention Conservatives need to understand how they lost and who they lost

Gavin Rice

“This is an existential moment for the Conservative Party – it has no automatic right to exist. It could be game over if the wrong decisions are taken, but there is also a clear route back.”

Labour are doing workers’ rights all wrong

Sarah Kuszynski

“If Labour continues to pursue ill-thought-through changes to employment rights, their new deal for working people risks becoming a bad deal – one which harms the workers it is designed to help.”

Slow progress in decarbonising council housing stock shows the 2050 net zero target is a farce

Harry Phibbs

“Many councils do not even know how much the work would cost. Progress in meeting the requirement varies from derisory to non-existent.”

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