Young LGBT+ workers report facing higher levels of discrimination at work
Shocking new research from the Trades Union Congress (TUC) has revealed the scale of workplace bulling LGBT+ staff face.
The TUC commissioned a poll – carried out by Number Cruncher Politics – which found that more than half (52%) of LGBT+ people report being bullied or harassed at work.
According to the poll, 19% of LGBT+ people have been exposed to verbal abuse at work in the last five years, 28% have had homophobic, biphobic or transphobic remarks directed at them or made in their presence, and 5% have had experienced physical violence, threats or intimidation at work because of their sexual orientation.
Alongside this, nearly one in three (29%) LGBT+ people said they keep their sexual orientation a secret at work.
Responding to the research, TUC General Secretary Paul Nowak said: “This new report shines a light on the extent of discrimination LGBT+ workers face in our workplaces.
“LGBT+ people should be safe and supported at work. But instead, they’re experiencing shockingly high levels of bulling and harassment – including assault.
The polling also found that LGBT+ workers between the ages of 18 and 24 experience higher levels of discrimination at work. 65% said they had experienced some for of bullying, harassment and discrimination in the last five years, compared to half of the full sample. 20% said they were bullied because of their sexual orientation compared to 11% of workers of all ages.
The TUC’s research shows that this has a real impact on LGBT+ people’s experience in the work place. 38% of those that had experienced bullying said that it had a negative impact on their mental health, and 6% said they had left their job because of the abuse they had experienced.
One in five LGBT+ people who made a complaint about harassment in the workplace to their employers said their complaint was ignored.
The TUC says this shows there is room for employers to improve their practices when it comes to dealing with LGBT+ related bullying, harassment and discrimination.
Nowak said: “Workplace culture clearly needs to change. No one should think that a colleague being LGBT+ means it’s ok to make discriminatory comments or ask them inappropriate questions – let alone carry out serious acts of assault. Ministers must change the law to put the responsibility for preventing harassment on employers, not victims.
“We need stronger workplace rights to protect all staff from abuse at work. Good, secure jobs are essential to building a motivated, healthy workforce – and are what every worker deserves.
“Labour’s Employment Rights Bill – which will come into place in the first 100 days of this new government – will make a real difference. Ministers have pledged to ban zero-hours contracts, raise the national minimum wage to £15 an hour as soon as possible, and work with unions to make sure all workplaces are safe and inclusive for all workers.
“And employers must adopt a zero-tolerance approach to all forms of bullying, harassment and discrimination.”
Chris Jarvis is head of strategy and development at Left Foot Forward
Image credit: Quinn Dombrowski – Creative Commons
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