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HomePoliticsStarmer's 'Tax Hikes Are Coming' Speech

Starmer's 'Tax Hikes Are Coming' Speech

Starmer’s ‘Tax Hikes Are Coming’ Speech


Starmer has used this speech to set the narrative for Autumn, which is: “We had no idea it was so bad.” In summary:

  • Growth, meaning wealth creation, is number one priority of government. Hence wealth fund, planning reforms, Great British Energy, and “ending the national strikes.See how that goes…
  • Labour has done more in 7 weeks than the Tories did in 7 years.
  • Things are worse than we ever imagined” – this isn’t a performative statement, the £22 billion black hole in finances wasn’t seen by OBR prior to the election.
  • Mindless minority of thugs” smashed up communities and terrified minorities. Crime has consequences.
  • Society is “deeply unhealthy“, weakened by a “decade of division and decline.
  • Tory “populism” offered more failure.
  • Dealing with this round of riots was harder than 2011 because Starmer didn’t know if courts could handle it.
  • The UK has a “societal black hole.
  • Tough choices are ahead. Things will get worse before they get better. Ding…
  • Starmer didn’t want to release prisoners early – the government wouldn’t have been able to respond to the riots if it had not been done.
  • Starmer didn’t want to means test the Winter Fuel Allowance.
  • Unpopular decisions coming now for the long term.
  • Tories won’t accept the cost they have inflicted on country or apologise for it.
  • starmer made huge asks of police and justice system during riots.
  • Parliament returns next week – it won’t be business as usual because there is serious work to do.
  • Budget in October is “going to be painful” and there is no other choice. He says it’s right that the “broadest shoulders should bear heaviest burdens”…
  • Big asks will be made of the country at the budget too.
  • Riots revealed the cure because people repaired damage done.
  • Let’s fix the country together.

Starmer is asked to be honest about tax rises and refuses to spell out which ones are in consideration because what he “didn’t expect was a £22 billion black hole.” He also says the Winter Fuel Allowance is not a “well-designed scheme.” Starmer’s line on cronyism is that he “won’t take lectures.Will this be enough to calm the mob?

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