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HomePoliticsThe 24 Official Genders Of Scotland

The 24 Official Genders Of Scotland

Are listed below:

Click the pic to enlarge, if you want to lose the will to live.

The list, updated last week, comes from the Scottish Government’s guidance on data collection and publication which we located here (it’s in the Excel document) after it was reported by Daniel Sanderson of the Telegraph, and it’s just the most ludicrous, embarrassing, muddle-headed mess.

Alert readers may have already spotted that boring old “male” and “female” – or “man” and “woman” – are not included as gender options. (We wouldn’t be entirely surprised if they were actually now hate crimes.) Non-trans people are now swallowed up by the single definition “cisgender”, which makes no distinction between the sexes.

Nor is an option provided for people who don’t have a “gender identity” at all, and who simply recognise the biological reality of their sex. Everyone must participate in the new religion, and most of the population will presumably be assigned the category “Agender”, the gender identity for people who don’t identify as having a gender.

Worryingly, the gender woowoo gibberish (which is littered with a quite extraordinary number of typos and spelling mistakes – “framwork”, “shortend”, “referes”) – is also interspersed with actual medical conditions, including the increasingly problematic and controversial term “intersex”, an inaccurate umbrella description for a wide range of chromosomal disorders, many of whose sufferers understandably find being lumped in with a crowd of attention-seekers, sex offenders and the mentally-ill highly offensive.

Every single “intersex” condition, or Disorders of Sexual Development (DSDs), affects either male or female people. There are no “inbetween” sexes, and you cannot identify out of having a DSD. (Well, you can try, but your chromosomes will stubbornly refuse to co-operate, the fascists.)

The document also uses the nonsense phrase “assigned female/male at birth”, a hotly-contested term (the sex of babies is observed long before birth, not pulled out of a sorting hat) and a meaningless one in the context of the document. What is actually being recorded here, sex or gender? (Ostensibly this is guidance for recording and categorising self-descriptions from trans people, in which case what are medical conditions and terms referring to biological sex doing in there?)

And of course, we’re forced to ask why there are only 27 subcategories of trans people, when we’ve known of the existence of at least 178 genders dating back to September 2022, and goodness knows how many more since then.

The document is frankly evidence of disgraceful, and doubtless genocidal, bigotry and prejudice against Abimegender (“A gender that is profound, deep, and infinite; meant to resemble when one mirror is reflecting into another mirror creating an infinite paradox”), Abussogender (“A gender identity for those who feel their gender identity is completely incomprehensible. Similar to anongender. Synonymous with staticgender”) and 149 other categories of extremely special people, as well as – obviously – all those Scots who are defiantly, bravely and proudly Adamasgender (“A gender which refuses to be categorized”).

We’re also not sure how the poor hapless clerks entering all this stuff into databases of drivel are meant to tell the difference between a “Trans woman” (“A person who was registered as male at birth but who lives and identifies as a woman; a transgender woman”) and someone who is “Trans feminine” (“An umbrella term that referes [sic] to people who were assigned male at birth but identify more with a feminine identity. Often shortened to “Trans fem”).

How are you supposed to know whether someone is “living as a woman” (a phrase we already know the Scottish Government refuses to define) or merely “identifying more with a feminine identity”? Can you do both at the same time? Sadly the guidance offers bewildered administrators no assistance.

Our favourite bit, however, might be the definition of “Genderqueer”.

Wait, a combination of the how many genders, did you say? You don’t even LIST male and female as genders in this steaming bucket of horse droppings, so how can they be the only two that exist, AND simultaneously have a “continuum” between them? Surely by definition EVERYONE in ANY of these categories is “genderqueer”? Aren’t you just basically using “transgender” and “genderqueer” as synonyms, in such a way that “genderqueer” is therefore a subcategory of itself?

(And how does this reconcile with the First Minister’s stated view that there are only two genders – the ones not included on the list?)

“Pangender” is also a chuckle:

So let’s see if we’ve got this right. “Pangender” means that you’re all of the 24 (or 27, or 178, or however many it is this week) genders at once, even though there are only two, although those two aren’t actually on the list, and even though it can also in some unspecified circumstances mean “three genders”; AND it means that you don’t have a gender at all (“Agender”, remember), AND it means you’re also intersex (because that’s another one of the listed “genders”), AND it also means you’re “cisgender”, and that you’re both a transwoman AND a trans man, AND that you’ve detransitioned, AND that you’re not sure about any of it (“Questioning” and/or “Neutral”).

Jings, imagine how confused everyone was BEFORE the guidance came out.

And all this, it pains us gravely to inform readers, is what the Scottish Government is spending time and resources on while the country falls to pieces around your ears.

Still, as long as there are serious people in charge, we’re sure it’ll all work out.



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