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HomePoliticsThe Circus Of Hate

The Circus Of Hate

Well, what a nice statement of unity and tolerance this is:

And only slightly undermined by coming from THIS guy:

But Smith’s new message of tolerance hasn’t fully penetrated the party ranks.

Dovydas Kuliešas used to work for Emma Roddick MSP, who until yesterday was the minister responsible for the grotesque “conversion practices” legislation being developed by the SNP, and we gather he’s now a member of the staff of Westminster SNP MP Alison Thewliss, who alert readers may recall from her role in the infamous “DECAPITATE TERFS” trans protest at Buchanan Steps in Glasgow last year.

He’s also a member of the SNP Socialists group run by serial opportunist carpetbagger Cllr Graham Campbell (no relation), and one of the founders of the po-faced Student Grant masturbation collective Our Republic, a handy one-stop gathering of Scotland’s worst living beings.

And just a few days ago he posted this on Medium:

Attention-grabbing opening, isn’t it? Let’s carry on.

Whoever could he mean?

We know who it sounds like – the cadre of hyper-intolerant “progressive” young activists we call the Twitler Youth, to whom everything is “bigotry” and “phobia”s and who endlessly scream for the expulsion from the party of people like Joanna Cherry and Joan McAlpine and Kate Forbes – but we rather suspect it isn’t.

Ah, of course. It’s old people.

And indeed specifically old men, with their “old man computers”, sliding into “abject psychotropic decline” and refusing to accept that children can “choose their own puberty”. THOSE total bastards.

(Let’s not be distracted by the flat-out and potentially-defamatory lie that Alex Salmond was a “paid Russian Government employee”. That’s a matter for Mr Salmond.)

Those people need to be told that their “time” is “over”, whatever that might mean precisely. (Expulsion? Exile? Euthanasia? Execution?) We’re not told what the cutoff age is under which you’re allowed to continue to be a member of the SNP, or perhaps of Scottish society in general, but we can probably pretty safely assume that since it’s “the Scottish youth” who hold the only acceptable, “decent” views, it’s going to be 30 at the absolute most.

This is pretty constant messaging from the party’s youth wing. Last month we watched an interview with SNP activist Cameron Greer, who when asked to give a message to the wider independence movement told them that only young people should be listened to because their opinions mattered more than anyone else’s, and that if anyone wasn’t sure what opinions to have, just ask some young people.


Young Cameron fronts his own show, menacingly called “We Are The Future”.

Because, y’know, tomorrow belongs to them.


But back to young Dovydas. He wants you to know that your grandchildren – because everyone over 30 has grandchildren, right? – think you’re a “terrible person” and find you “disgusting” like all your “fellow old fogies” because you don’t have the same opinion as the kids.

The idea that you might dare to have your OWN opinion, rather than simply aspiring to comply with that of your grandkids, isn’t even fleetingly contemplated. Or perhaps it’s part of your “incessant whining”.

As Dovydas is clearly a huge fan of the Scottish Greens, we’re not sure why he’s so furious at what he anticipates as a flood of voters moving to them.

Surely that would only increase the likeliness of a future SNP/Green pact committed to all his priorities, and help to reverse the “fuckup of megastrophic proportions” that the collapse of the Bute House Agreement represented, and thereby help to guard against a return to the days of the old-style SNP, which was apparently a party of “various assorted creeps, perennial pains in the hoop, Putin apologists, downright scumbags [and] fucking weirdos”?

Readers, if we took all the easy shots that line sets up we’d be here all day. But the thing Dovydas wants to make super-clear is that if you don’t agree with every single one of his decent and progressive and self-evidently correct – ie they’re held by the young – views, then “people like you can’t be listened to”, (his emphasis) on account of your “utterly dogshit, broken-vehicle, farts-for-words, unreality based nerdery”.

(It’s a tiny bit bold for someone whose bio goes on about Dungeons And Dragons dice to be accusing anyone else of “nerdery”, but we’ll let it pass.)

Indeed, to make sure you’re not listened to, if you’re one of the considerable number of SNP politicians/members who wanted the BHA ended, you simply “should never be allowed to speak again”.

The rant has been warmly welcomed by Dovydas’ peers – many of whom, ironically, are rather close to Alyn Smith.

It was even tweeted by Irish artist Dr Robert Bohan to his 304,000 Twitter followers, although as Dr Bohan is 54 years old we hope he’s aware that his continued existence is a barely-tolerated affront to the dynamic new generation, permitted only so long as he continues to hold all the allowable opinions determined on a weekly basis by the Committee Of The Revolution.

Conversely, we gather that it’s already been reported as a hate crime by some concerned citizens, given that it fairly clearly appears to incite hatred on the basis of age, one of the protected characteristics of the new Hate Crime Act.

But given young Dovydas’ proximity to the SNP’s corridors of power, we think we can go out on a limb and say that the chances of inter-generational harmony breaking out inside the “big tent” any time soon are pretty slim.

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