Thursday, September 19, 2024
HomePoliticsTrust in SNP Government Collapsing

Trust in SNP Government Collapsing

Trust in SNP Government Collapsing


As the Welsh devolved administration implodes the Scottish Government has slipped out social attitudes research which shows just how well the SNP is being received up in Scotland. After a period of stability in the teenies, the percentage of Scots who said they trust ScotGov to work for Scotland fell from 61% in 2019 to 47% in 2023. That’s the lowest level since records began and the first year it dropped below half. The percentage who trust the UK government has been increasing in that period. So much for Boris being the ultimate Scottish bête noire…

The paper admits that trust in the Scottish administration comes almost exclusively from supporters of independence. The number of people who agree that “the Scottish Parliament gives ordinary people more say in how Scotland is governed” has also shot down from around 60% to well below half last year. The percentage who thinks it gives them less say has more than doubled in the meantime. The slow-moving collapse of SNP government is finally taking its toll…

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