TUC Director’s Labour Candidacy Trashed by Partner in Fiery Tirade
The Trade Union Congress’ Head of Campaigns and Communications and committed socialist Antonia Bance was selected for Tipton and Wednesbury last night. Some are happier than others at that news…
In a now-deleted tweet Bance’s partner Charlotte Dawkins had more than a few words about her decision to stand:
“Two days after you lose your mum suddenly, your so-called partner of the last 12 years and co-parent to your beautiful 5 year old who you spent 4 hard years of IVF to have, then decides to tell you that they’re standing for Parliament without any discussion with you, it’s a stitched up Trade Union deal and her MP friends and the Deputy leader herself have intervened to make this happen and you just have to get on board with it. That you’re unreasonable and selfish to expect her to say that it’s not the right time for our family as there’s been a sudden and unexpected death and that you’re going to need to keep the home running, you’re going to need to provide all the childcare, make sure the cat who has lymphoma gets her chemo, deal with my own international job and somewhere along the line, maybe grieve for your mum… oh and the seat is Birmingham and she is leaving on Friday. That was just what I needed and clearly deserved after my mum dying in my arms.”
Local Labour activists in Tipton, a tribal Labour jurisdiction which reacts badly to outsiders, are sending round the message to sling mud on their new candidate. Dawkins finishes off her tirade with a flourish:
“Just when you think you know someone and you know what’s important in this life – you’re told you and your beloved daughter told matter as much as her need to be the Labour MP!
So, yes please do consider voting for Antonia Bance if you’re in Tipton and Wednesbury – she’s just the kind of person to care for you in your hour of need! A shining of example of the very best that the Labour Party have to offer us!”
Not the usual family endorsement…
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