Wales’ NHS App 62 Times More Expensive than England’s
It’s not always a good thing to be different from Westminster. The separate NHS apps for England and Wales, which happen to have been developed by the same company, have a huge disparity in costs per user. A disparity of around 62 times…
The English NHS app cost £62.8 million total to develop and deploy, with 33.6 million registered users as of December 2023. The Welsh version, on the other hand, which was deployed at a significantly slower rate (on purpose), has only 130,730 users at a development cost of £14.9 million . That winds up to £1.87 per user in England compared to Wales’ £115. This isn’t the first time Wales’ devolved government has poured taxpayer funds down the drain for an app: the Welsh Government’s superfluous health services app in 2012 cost £22 for each person who downloaded it. “Doing things differently”…
Welsh Tory leader Andrew RT Davies tells Guido in response that this is “yet another egregious example of a wasteful Labour Welsh Government with a total disregard for taxpayers’ cash“. If a politician tells you they’re worth the money, seek a second opinion…
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