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HomeEntertainment NewsAI To Contribute $19trn To The Global Economy – Independent Newspaper Nigeria

AI To Contribute $19trn To The Global Economy – Independent Newspaper Nigeria

LAGOS – Business spending to adopt artificial intelligence (AI), to use AI in existing business operations, and to deliver better products/services to business and consumer customers will have a cumulative global economic impact of $19,9-trillion through 2030, driving 3,5% of global GDP in 2030.

This is according to new research from IDC, “The Global Impact of Ar­tificial Intelligence on the Economy and Jobs”.

As a result, AI will affect jobs across every region of the world, impacting industries like contact center oper­ations, translation, accounting, and machinery inspection. Helping to trig­ger this shift are business leaders who almost unanimously, 98%, view AI as a priority for their organisations.

According to the research, in 2030, every new dollar spent on business-re­lated AI solutions and services will generate $4.60 into the global econo­my, in terms of indirect and induced effects.

This is determined by: Increased spending on AI solutions and services driven by accelerated AI adoption.

Economic stimulus among AI adopters, seeing benefits in terms of increased production and new reve­nue streams, and

Impact along the whole AI provid­ers supply chain, increasing revenue for the providers of essential supplies to AI solutions and services provid­ers.

“In 2024, AI entered a phase of accelerated development and deploy­ment defined by widespread integra­tion that’s led to a surge in enterprise investments aimed at significantly optimizing operational costs and timelines,” says Lapo Fioretti, senior research analyst: emerging technolo­gies and macroeconomics at IDC.

“By automating routine tasks and unlocking new efficiencies, AI will have profound economic consequenc­es, reshaping industries, creating new markets, and altering the competitive landscape.”

The majority of respondents to IDC’s Future of Work Employees Sur­vey expect some (48%) or most (15%) parts of their work to be automated by AI and other tech over the next two years, while only a minority (3%) of employees expect their jobs to be fully automated by AI.

While some work will be negative­ly impacted by the proliferation of AI, new positions such as AI Ethics Specialists and AI Prompt Engineers will emerge as dedicated roles within global organisations.

The research further indicates that a “human touch intensity”, combined with the level of “task repetitiveness” by which each job is characterised, will inform organisations about roles that are subject to a full AI and automation replacement, versus those where tech’s role will be to augment human capabilities.

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