Tuesday, March 4, 2025
HomeEntertainment NewsMy elderly cousin behaved in a sexually inappropriate way with me

My elderly cousin behaved in a sexually inappropriate way with me


DEAR DEIDRE: DELIVERING some food to my cousin, I had the most unsettling ex­perience.

My mum had asked me to take some meals as his wife recently walked out on him and he now lives alone.

He is 61 and I’m 43.

While I was speaking to him in the kitchen he started to stroke the front of his jeans, pinching and holding where his penis was.

This wasn’t a mere adjustment but prolonged and almost as if he had an ­erection.

He has never behaved like this before.

It was totally out of character.

I was so uncomfortable that I left as soon as I could.

Now Mum has asked me to go again but I can’t face it.

DEIDRE SAYS: Is there someone calm in your family who you can confide in?

Avoid being left alone with your cousin and ­suggest he sees his doctor to explore why he has started to behave so unpredictably.

Although he is still relatively young, some people diagnosed with dementia become inappropriately sexual.

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